The max sideboard is 15 cards. I would throw in some walls or something that helps you last until turn 8. Nice idea though. Equip boots, and enchant a creature. Then gg.
I like it a lot, but I feel that Fiend, Hunter and Oblivion Ring are a must. Also look for a creature with soulbond, and that is a white creature and gives doublestrike. I forget the name but it's good.
I put the persecutor in because not allowing your opponent to win the game, is sleeper op. Every card game I have ever played has cards like persecutor, and they are always banned eventually. The only reason why persecutor hasn't been banned is because it's never been FOTM.
What do you mean by card advantage in an aggro deck? Lorwyn-Alara is before I started playing magic. I'll have to look it up.
Delver only runs a couple of creatures, and then keeps the board clean with a billion counterspells, and removal spells. Zombies is blue/black. Currently they just throw down grave crawler, while keeping the board clean with blue/black spells, and peg you to death just like Delver. Either that or they combo Lich, Rooftop storm, etc. for an infinite combo. GR is tons of creature kill with Nexus, Wolfrun, and mana ramp. Pod is the only thing that you listed that isn't chock full of creature removal.
Well right now this deck is all over the place. No worries I'm here to help though. The good cards in this deck are Skinrender, Diregraf Ghoul, GraveCrawler, Endless Ranks, Call to the Grave, Geralf's Messenger, Cemetery Reaper, and Doom Blade. Try to get more of the good cards and take out the ok cards, like walking corpse, or consume spirit.
Huntmaster isn't that good in this. Trust me.
He might make a good sideboard card vs heavy creature removal with his undying. I'll have to playtest to see if he would work.
I don't think deadly allure works how you think it works. It just means that one creature has to block it. Not all of them.
I like the idea but this is just going to win via the op mirran crusader/swp/destiny combo.
This is for T2.
The key cards in a WW aggro deck are Kruin Outlaw, Full Moon's Rise, and Instagator Gang. Why? Well imagine you have Instagator Gang & Kruin Outlaw in play, along with a Full Moon's Rise. Now use Moonmist to transform them. Kruin Outlaw now attacks twice for 7 damage and trample. Then Instagators attacks for 9 damage and trample. Also thanks to kruin outlaw's ability both creatures have to be blocked by at least two creatures. Long story short get instagators in there, and run full sets of the key WW cards.
I consider Instagator Gang to be a key card in WW aggro, since he combos so well with Kruin Outlaw. Get a full playset of him. Otherwise good deck.
I hope you are just building with what you actually own, and plan on making this better via trades. Right now the deck is pretty bad. The key to victory with a WW deck is to use Kruin Outlaw, Instagator Gang, and Full Moon's Rise to trample them in one go. At least get a full playset of those cards in here.