Looking to get the deck playing at a higher level, any help would be appreciated. Thanks, please hit the like button if you like the deck so I can get more people involved in the deck discussion. Thank you.
No, I had not thought of Celestial Flare, I'm throwing those in my sideboard now, I like that it's at instant speed too. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for all the help and suggestions everyone, keep em coming. I have really made a lot of changes to work on consistency from early to mid game, If game goes too long it can struggle without good top decks like Ajani or Spark Trooper, but some late game Boros Charm's can win for you too, although I do like to save my Charm's to make all creatures indestructible, can win the game for you against other aggro decks or especially Control who are trying to push the reset button lol. I tend to struggle the most with really large creatures that Naya and some Control decks and Izzet decks are running, really praying Theros drops an answer for that once I lose Brimstone Volley. Usually have to depend on a mid-game Aurelia's Fury to tap all their huge creatures to get across with a winning swing. That card in my opinion really is an MVP in this deck. The addition of Judge's Familiar and Rakdos Cackler's have really sped the deck up, and everyone always laughs when I drop a turn 1 Judge's Familiar they say "I thought this was a R/W aggro deck" lol, but I love the flying 1 drop that forces players looking to turn 1-2 board control to wait for an extra mana drop to start playing spells, gives me an extra turn to start building an advantage. Completely changed sideboard too, really went control heavy with Assemble the Legion and Legion's Initiative, seems to work pretty well. But I'm going to miss Smite the Monstrous, was excellent way to deal with huge green creatures.
Good ole' Zoo, I played Naya back in Ravnica when Helix and Sunforger were type 2, Loved it. Try adding Sunforger to your deck, Is rediculous paired with Ltg Helix and Ltg Bolt and Small efficient creatures. Nice take on a Modern Zoo though. If you get a second check out my R/W standard aggro deck it's called Ajani's Playground : Reloaded . Thanks in advance.
- 1 Mountain (Went down to 22 Lands instead of 23 due to lowering casting costs, hopefully it doesn't bite me in the ass)- 4 Lightning Mauler's (Preparing for Theros)- 4 Foundry Street Denizen - 1 Spark Trooper (Lowering Casting Cost Swing)- 3 Pillar of Flame (Preparing for Theros)+ 4 Rakdos Cackler (Replacing Foundry Street Denizen)+ 3 Judge's Familiar (1-Drop Flyer to speed up)+ 3 Boros Reckoner (No reason needed here lol)+ 3 Shock (Replacing Pillar of Flame)Looking for comments and suggestions please. Really trying to get deck faster, cheaper and more consistent. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I just need to come up with an idea for replacing Brimstone Volley to be ready for Theros if anyone has any ideas. Thanks in advance.
Shoot meant to type Judge's Familiar not Alch Familiar lol.
BtW, @11111111 meant to say...love the list lol. Convinced me
As I posted above I think I do like the idea of 1-drop Suntail Hawk, but I think I am gonna add Judge's Familiar, same as Suntail Hawk and it has a built in counterspell that will force opponent to always have an extra mana saved back when casting spells. Gonna go ahead and cycle out the Lightning Maulers and Brimstone Volley too to prepare for Theros. Really hoping they drop a good Burn spell to replace Volley.
Ya I think I will make some changes,going to replace Foundry Street Denizen's with Rakdos Cackler's, I am adding Reckoner's back in, but as far as Battalion creatures, it's not really a battalion deck the creatures that do have battalion are just an added bonus..I also Think I am going to add Alchemists Familiar for 1-drop Flyer. Thank you guys for suggestions, keep em coming.
I like the utility cards in the deck. Reckoner w/Haunted Plate Mail looks pretty nasty lol.
Only reason I did not add Cackler is because of the unleash, I was afraid the not being able to block thing would bite me in the ass. Your right though Foundry Street is not very good mid game but early on if I Turn 1 Foundry, Turn 2 Lightning Mauler, Turn 3 Phoenix or Guttersnipe, Turn 4 Spark Trooper the deck usually wins and plays very aggressive. Lightning Mauler is getting ready to cycle out though and hopefully Theros brings an equally aggressive 2-drop for my deck, then Foundry Street will probably become either Cackler or some 1-drop from Theros. I'm hoping Theros turns this deck into RDW, have missed RDW lol.
Ya Brimstone Volley, Guttersnipe and Chandra's Phoenix have excellent synergy together, I let Chandra's Phoenix die, pay 3 mana to do 7 damage with the Morbid trigger and Guttersnipe ability which then brings Chandra's Phoenix back to my hand from GY. I would like to fit in some flying into the deck for certain occasions. I ran Daring Skyjeck in my first edition of this same deck, only problem I had was if I don't have Battalion then I don't have flying and I don't have flying on opponents turn either. Maybe a 1 Drop Flyer?
Fun looking deck. Thought about running any removal mainboard? Really only thing I would change. Check my R/W deck out if you get a chance. Ajani's Playground : Reloaded. Thanks in advance.
Deck looks really fun to play. Honestly I don't see Leyline's played very often, but If people are playing them In your metagame, you could put either Sacred Foundry or Stomping Grounds as a 4 of along with Enchantment kill in your s/b. Then if their running leyline's you could just swap out 4 mountains for dual lands and Enchantment kill. Pyroclasm's in your s/b and maybe Ratchet Bombs for aggro and token decks?? The Ratchet bombs add more Artifacts to your deck too, may be worth mainboarding them. I'm looking for suggestions and comments to help with my new standard deck if you get a second its called Ajani's Playground : Reloaded. Thanks in Advance.
Ya I had them in the first edition of this deck when it was playing more mid-rangey (If that's a word lol) I eventually cut them when making changes to try and add more synergy for Guttersnipe and Chandra's Phoenix...Does anyone have any suggestions on what to cut to put Reckoners in? Or would love to hear any positive ideas to help. Thanks
How is your deck working out now MasoCrave? I took some of you suggestions on my R/W to speed it up and re posted an entirely new deck called Ajani's Playground : Reloaded, mind taking a look at it now?
Still plan on adding Legion Loyalist's when I get them. lol
True the Brimstone Volley morbid effect is still very powerful for 3 mana, but you have a good game plan as far as getting Phoenix back from GY. Good Luck with your deck, I'm sure it will do great at your next tourney.
Your right, I didn't think about Selesnya Charms "Exile Creature" ability. Only thing I would run different at all would be trying to squeeze Restoration Angel in somehow, my wife plays a similar deck but splashes black. Flashing in Resto. Angel's as combat trickery is rediculous, especially since your running synergy cards like Centaur Healer and Armada Wurm and Banisher Priest, I'd try the Angel's out at least before they cycle out when Theros drops.
I like the changes man, looks like not only a really fun deck to play but def. could be playable in current metagame. I do think you should keep Ajani in the deck though, like we talked about earlier by just adding Spark Trooper as a one of gives you an alternate win condition late game when your relying on top decking. How committed are you to Flames of the Firebrand? I like it more in sideboard, I have been running Brimstone Volley in my deck (Ajani's Playground) you would have no trouble getting morbid to activate and at instant speed the 5 damage to opponents face is huge.
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