Hi! Thanks for visiting, viewing, reading this. Please Read, View. This is a semi, sorta, kind of Semi Template, Example, Semi Article, Introduction, Explanation, Breakdown, etc, of What I think either is, an or should, would, could be either is or one of the better, best Land Destruction Decks on MTG Vault, etc.
I know that is a bold claim, thought. But I will explain why think that. Also I am not trying to Brag. What I am trying to do is:
1. Assess how good the deck is, as I intend to buy it, sleeve it, play it at Modern Format FNM, Local Tournaments, City, Convention, Regional, State, PTQ, etc, tournaments, semi competively.
2. In doing that, I also wanted to make a Rogue deck that could be semi competive, really annoy, give EXPENSIVE decks a semi tough time, be a semi spoiler.
3. Even tho this deck is a semi reposting of a deck of mine here that got 20 likes here, 4000 comments, I made some changes to better it, and even tho deck is pretty much almost semi finished, etc, there is some room for improvement, advice, help, etc. Also because of all the clutter, comments on the older posting of the deck, I thought it would be good to repost, so that could get fresh comments, likes, help, etc.
4. Related to point 3 above, I want to make the BEST LAND DESTRUCTION DECK.
5. I want to use my deck as a example, template, etc, of a better, best land destruction deck, decks, and on how to build one of the best Land Destruction Decks, in order to help people, and contribute to the community.
6. Any advice, help, comments, need to be friendly, constructive, etc. Comments like " That deck is awesome", or "That deck sucks", etc, are not constructive. WHY is the deck, good or bad, what can be done to improve it?, etc. Also please realize that altho I will take, use some advice, and used advice to help build the deck, I wont use all advice. So please dont get upset, offended, etc, if I dont use some suggestions.
7. I would like to Thank Dedward, Necrumslice, for their help. Also I want to thank those who recommended I use the cards Boom/Bust, Goblin Dark Dweller, Primal Command, Incendiary Command. That was some AWESOME help, suggestions, and the deck wouldnt be what it is without those suggestions, thanks.
This is a Red, Green, Splash Black, Land Destruction Deck.
The deck destroys lands on turns 1,2,3, with, by: A. Boom/Bust, Pillage, Wrecking Ball, Or by B. Liquid Metal Coatings, and either Reckless Airstrike, an or by Oxidize, and continues land destructing until get out Charmbreaker Devils, Hoard Smelter Dragon, Goblin Dark Dwellers, as both semi finishers that continue to control the board, field, etc.
If Opponent gets out a creature, can easily kill it, with 1 of 7 to 19 creature removers.
If a semi finisher gets sent to graveyard, can either use Eternal Witness, to get it
back, and can use either Primal Command or Brutalizer to search for the Eternal Witness to get the Semi Finisher back. Or can use Primal Command to shuffle Graveyard, and graveyarded semi finisher into library. That's why 4 1 of's of 4 semi finishers, is enough in this deck.
The real key to this deck is the card Pillager. Its a 3 cmc card that both destroys artifacts, and lands. This card use to be not Modern Legal, but luckily was reprinted in a Modern Format Set. So why is this card so Key? There are similar cards like stone rain, Molten Rain. Answer:
Before this card was available, the deck was too slow. And here why. There are the following ways to do a Land Destruction deck generally.
1. Liquid Metal Coatings, plus artifact destruction cards. You turn lands, everything into artifacts, then destroy. Only problem is that semi often enough Liquid Metal Coating doesnt come out often enough, even with Ancient Stirrings, and constant Mulliganning, which leads to not being able to do anything.
2. Using 3,4,5 cmc land destruction cards. Only problem is these cards, with 1 exception(Wrecking Ball, Befoul), dont destroy other stuff like creatures. So have to put in non land destruction removal, to deal with creatures, enchantments, etc, which uses up enough slots to not have enough land destruction cards to semi consistently destroy land often enough(need at least 19 Land destruction cards at extreme minimum)
3. A combination of non Liquid Metal based land destruction cards mixed with Liquid Metal Coatings, Artifact destroyers. This is probably the best way, but only problem with it, is that need cheap enough cmc cards that both destroy land and artifacts, and that at least destroys a land if Liquid Metal Coating not out. Problem is the cheapest, best of those type of cards, was a 4 cmc Wreak Havoc. And that was way too slow. Then Pillager that does the same as 4 cmc, Wreak Havoc, Demolish, but that is 3 cmc, instead of 4 cmc, got reprinted for Modern Format. The reason why Stone Rain, at 3 cmc not good enough, is that it does not destroy both a land and a artifact like Pillager does.
Without BOTH Pillager, Boom/Bust, instead of Stone Rain, this deck would be too semi inconsistent, too semi slow, work. Also I was trying to use a 2,3 of, of Wreak Havoc, in addition to Boom/Bust, Stone Rain, that did the same as Pillager, but was 4 cmc, instead of 3 cmc, but that was slowing deck down a bit. Once took out, changed Stone Rain, Wreak Havoc, into, for Pillager, instead, the deck sped up a bit, was more consistently faster, better, earlier with the Land Destruction.
The deck has 63 cards, 24 lands, and a .3809(38%) Land, Mana Ratio.
(CARD CONCEPT CATEGORIES, is, are something I learned from EDH Commander. In that format, you build 100 card, singleton deck. The thing with that, is that there is almost no diffence between having 4 separate 1 of's, each 2 cmc, each that destroys a creature, but each with a different card name, and 4, 2 cmc Doomblades that also destroy creatures. So in this example either way there would be 4, 2 cmc creature destroyers in the CREATURE DESTROYER CARD CONCEPT CATEGORY IN A DECK.)
23 cards:
Non Liquid Metal Coatings Land Destruction, Non Artifact destruction:
Pillage(destroys both Land, Artifacts): 4 of. Boom/Bust: 4 of. Wrecking Ball: 3 of.
Acidic Slime: 3 of. Primal Command: 2 of. Incendiary Command: 2 of.
Brutalizer Exarch: 1 of.
Liquid Metal Coatings Artifact, Land, Everything, Permanents, Creatures, etc, Destruction:
Reckless Air Strike: 2 of. Oxidize: 2 of. Pillage: 4 of.
Acidic Slime: 3 of. Hoard Smelter Dragon: 1 of.
Non Liquid Metal Coating Creature Removal:
Wrecking Ball: 3 of. Incendiary Command: 2 of. Reckless Air Strike: 2
Liquid Metal Coating Creature Removal:
Same 12 Liquid Metal Coating, Artifact, Land Destruction.
Pump: 0: None
Mana Dorks:
Birds of Paradise: 4 of. Simian Spirit Guide: 4 of.
Recursion, Graveyard Use(To reuse Land Destruction):
Charmbreaker Devils: 1 of. Goblin Dark Dwellers: 1 of. Eternal Witness: 1 of.
Search Tutor:
Primal Command: 2 of. Brutalizer Exarch: 1 of.
Primal Command: 2 of.
Card Draw:
Incendiary Command: 2 of.
Board Wipe:
Incendiary Command: 2 of.
Burn, Direct Damage to either creature, to Foe life total:
Incendiary Command: 2 of.
Incendiary Command: 2 of.
Semi Finishers:
Incendiary Command: 2 of. Brutalizer Exarch: 1 of.
Charmbreaker Devils: 1 of. Hoard Smelter Dragon: 1 of.
Goblin Dark Dwellers: 1 of.
Fetch Lands(To help thin deck, shuffle deck, improve draws, to combo with Boom/Bust:
Bloodstained Mire: 4 of. Wooded Foothills: 4 of. Verdant Catcombs: 3 of.
Indestructible Land:
Darksteel Citadel: 3 of.(To help Boom/Bust)
Total Boom/Bust Targets:
Boom/Bust Tech combo:
Use Boom to blow up Opp's land and either Target Darksteel Citadel, or Target a Fetchland. When Boom targets your own fetchland, you can in response, activate fetchland, to search for a Mountain(Stomping Ground, etc, and the like counts as a mountain rhat can be fetched this way), Forest, Swamp. This makes it so that Opponent loses a land, but you dont lose a land when Boom targets Darksteel Citadel, an or a Fetchland like Wooded Foothills.
Sorry for how long this is. But it is Spaced Out for better readabilitt, thus adding to length.
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