your spells are too expensive for an aggro deck
Bedlam Reveler would fit nicely
No Leonin Shikari? What a shame!
damn my favourite deck so far
just wait for amonkhet, lots of new fancy zombies out there
if you play casual, it is fine
yes, your wincon is Platinum Angel, Platinum Emperion, Steel Overseer and Master of Etherium which makes it look like a really bad and slow combo deck
looks like a bunch of random cards to be honest
oh :(
4 Always Watching is a must-have.
You need some mana generators.
no, you can't, you dont have any card draw..
How do you want to use Dragonmaster Outcast with only 12 lands in deck?
Get rid off Fatal Push and take some Searing Blood instead.
You lack some 2-drops, maybe Knight of the White Orchid to heal the curve and take some lands?
Consider playing Regal Force for an extra draw, also See the Unwritten which is great card, you need some 1-drop mana dorks.
Instead of Harmonize, Regal Force maybe? Also you have to play See the Unwritten, this card is just awesome.
Looks like bunch of random cards, how can a deck with a curve like this be fast?
In mono black it is better to play Victim of Night.
Is this deck meant to be strictly modern?
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