I would take out 1 plains and 1 island and throw in 2 more condemns or 2 of another type of counter
I love this set up. Unfortunately I only have 1 Jace, the mind sculptor. But i do have a jace beleren. No Iona, but a playset of baneslayers.
I am close to getting this one built. Pulled 2 BSA's in 6 m11 packs. And got my 4 birds as well.
I really like the way this deck plays out. I was at a local cardshop the other day and played a guy who ran this deck. We played 12 games, i used 4 different decks (Goblin, UW level up, UW Ally, and G Mana ramp,) and couldnt pull out a win once. I am currently trying to build this deck, but it is a bit expensive