You are right, I will probably replace the non-synergistic cards; but my main goal was trying to keep the killing combo as tight as possible without making the deck too expensive.
All right, added them in. I copied it straight from my MTGO decklist where I didn't have OT.
You attack with your Quillspike and the opponent promptly dies or concedes the game.
Mhm, depends; I guess it would be kinda situational. While mutilate would get rid of some pesky indestructible creatures, in practice I've found myself in games where I have 3 swamps and 1 Cabal Coffers in play and a -3/-3 won't do. But I guess they would be a good sideboard.
Thanks! One of the ideas behind this deck is that it doesn't kill very fast: Instead it attempts to play the tempo game. It forces opponents to constantly keep it at bay, knowing that it can build tempo faster and more consistently. A turn 4 or 5 Sundering Titan will not kill you (and can be easily dealt with) but it will leave you at a huge disadvantage. Anything you play will need urgent response from an opponent and so you will kill their tempo. But you also have to be cautious, because if you miscalculate something, you can turn a good hand into a bad hand very easily (for example, using a Crop Rotation, sacrificing a Forest and then realizing you needed it to play a Primeval Titan, or playing the wrong land at the wrong moment, or misjudging if an Oblivion Stone was necessary at one time or not).