
7 Decks, 8 Comments, 1 Reputation

1 more rancor, that card is just to good, replace the serra angel by restoration angel, 4 avacyn pigrim, gradecover scout is just a bad card, some strangleroot geist would be good... Check out my G/W Aggros list, just build it for today's FNM finished 2nd...

Posted 08 September 2012 at 04:15 as a comment on W/G Aggro


Your really depending on Silverheart here, but how will you deal with removal and burns? I would tell you to get rid of for and revive and get 4 sheltering word, it gives life and hexproof.

Titanic growth is not as good as giant growth, 4/4 for 2 is not as good as 3/3 for 1, and to keep 1 land untapped is easier done then two.

Hope I could be of help, take a look at my mono-green and give me some idea's please

Posted 13 July 2012 at 22:21 as a comment on Green Aggro


Yeah, well I don't have anymore ^^, would love to run more than one Silverheart, and I can't see... I find Sheltering Word AMAZING. Really 2 mana anti-spell that heals, I have it there to protect my Promordial Hydra's and the Wolfir Silverhearth. I don't think ranger's guile would be a better pick... I prefere the huge lifegain of a 32/32 Hydra over a temporary +1/+1

Posted 13 July 2012 at 20:57 in reply to #272842 on Mono-Green Dungrove


Not a fan of Brimstone Volley... To expensive for a 3 burn... Yeah if you can make use of the morbid mech but not consistent enough, I think there are better burn spell than that.

Anyway take a look at my deck and tell me what you with about it

Posted 13 July 2012 at 19:43 as a comment on Return of the Burn


Love it, I wanted to do something with my angel's and this gave me some great idea's... Please take a look at my mono green

Posted 30 June 2012 at 21:33 as a comment on Army of God


Hmmm... Maybe more big creatures green is about the big monsters and Primalcrux will work better with bigger monsters. Check out my mono green

Posted 30 June 2012 at 21:25 as a comment on Cruxing Along


Thanks for the comment, I play tested the deck quite a bit and lands where never a problem, they actually get out of hands pretty fast, with all the land fetching. With a good hand i can start with 1 forest/play Llanowar Elves, turn two play Sunpetal/or Rootbound/or Hinterland tap it and tap Llanowar to have 3 lands and from there it explodes, the lowest I had Dungrove was as a 4/4 and he get big really fast. To gain 1turn hexproof I have Sheltering Word which can also be a huge heal in combo with Blessing of Nature. What I really need is 2 others Bountiful Harvest since i get such a big land pool...

I tried Gnaw to the Bone but I don't get that many creatures in my graveyard... I guess that card can be really powerful in a token deck. Some white might be good I will have to look into my white cards, but I would prefer stay in mono green.

Swiftfoot Boots is interesting, don't have it but I could manage to find it and play test. It could be amazing with 4 Ghoultree. I never liked how Craterhoof Behemoth works... In a token deck it must be incredible, but i don't get out that many creatures...

I took a look in the m13 preview cards... Primordial Hydra and Mwonvuli Beast Tracker would be incredible for my deck.

Posted 30 June 2012 at 19:45 in reply to #269469 on With life to kill
