I think adding the extra color would be a big ask. I think a deck thats playing saheeli rai needs to be more base blue, and that would be very hard for this deck to stomach
I believe it, i was just scrolling through and have long loved that daxos so i thought i'd chime in. I just built a mono white Sram equipment deck and really like it. Good luck with your brew.
the deck looks like its trying to walk the line a little too much between artifacts and enchantments. I would probably cut all of your auras and creatures with heroic. That'll open up like 10 slots that could be filed with more equipment which looks like the major advantage of the deck. I'd also add a couple targeted removal like swords to plowshare, path to exile, and darksteel mutation. You could also consider pongify and rapid hybridization. Or even play all 5 and then just 5 more enchantments. I think that'd be very potent.
It’s there as a long term value engine basically drawing a card adding 2 black mana and making your opponent sacrifice a creature every turn.. Besides the pyromancer the deck is looking to sacrifice the stitchers supplier as well as being able to sacrifice an unescaped Kroxa in response to its own sacrifice trigger.
with so many planeswalkers an creatures, this seems like a weird pyromancer deck. perhaprs replacing hm and the shocks with more discard effects like thoughtsieze and thought erasure.
why not just sakura tribe elder over embodiment of spring? EDITsorry this is probably a pioneer build.
have you liked having beast whisperer at practically the top of your curve? I'm trying a similar build to yours but with a thicker top end and more creature focused but is using experimental frenzy as the draw engine. I also haven't liked domri as much as i thought i would. while his riot is nice i'm usually running out of gas and have liked frenzy in his place for that reason. here's my list if you were interested https://www.mtgvault.com/arendn/decks/gruul-standard-20/