try adding in xenagos, the reveller, polukranos world eater, stormbreath dragon or nylea, god of the hunt
yeah, shocks only want to be used in the first few turns I assume, after that lands that rely on mountains, plains, etc being in play do the trick
have you managed to update the mana base with all the shocks needed yet or is it a work-in progress?
Interested in what the reasoning was behind you choosing to use 2 blackcleave cliffs and 2 blood crypt instead of a full playset of blood crypt?
trash, tbh
hha, no worries. 4 of each shock and a few temples should do it for this list
you are going to need mountains and islands....
I don't play at FNM, not close enough to one. I play at a casual group in the UK
well mine obliterates ;)
yeah deck looks great :)
yeah I play modern blue white geist control, sure i'll take a look
yep sure thing
yep, nykthos is good. perhaps just 2 nykthos?
yeah, but I only ran 2 kalonian in mine and it worked well. possibly run 2 copies?
its only $10?
yeah good idea
but she isn't quick enough for an aggro deck, Ajani is just about ok
take out dictate of heliod and 2 elspeths and put 3 sylvan caryatid in, caryatids are too good not to use
looks a good deck. if you need temple of malice or a nighthowler I can help you as I have them for trade.
I run 2 Ajani in mine, but with caryatids he comes out turn 4 anyway, and boy is he worth the mana. the opponent cannot afford to let him live.
41-60 of 83 items