I'd pull Nighthawk, Deathgreeter, and Voyager Drake for sure. They don't fit the deck at all. Also, you should only have 2 of each world wrecker, as you don't want to get your hand flooded with those guys. You could probably even pull Architects of will. The thing is, this is a combo deck, and you need a way to protect that combo, so you need removal and counter support. Good thing you are playing Black and Blue, which both support this idea. Here's what I would change. -4 Architects of Will -2 Inkwell Leviathon -4 Voyager Drake -4 Deathgreeter -2 Nemesis of Reason -4 Vampire Nighthawk +3 Doom Blade (Sideboard Smother) +3 Cancel +4 Deprive +2 Consume the Meek +4 Halimar Depths +4 Spreading Seas
Just so you know, 99% of the time you won't be able to kick Sad Sac in a tournament. You would need to have the perfect matchup with another control deck, and even then, you would risk it being countered. I thought Scrib Nibblers would be cool too, at first, but they are much too weak and cost far too much. Phrexian Negator? Nirkana Revenant? Really? You should reevaluate this deck to whether you want to run aggro or control. There are virtually zero decks that can do both. I built a really effective monoblack Mill/Control deck and played with it this last FNM. I won 2 rounds against Jund aggro and Naya Allies. I've since made changes for more consistency, and it might be able to go all the way this Friday. Check out my current build. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=53103
I'd say you're still short on a playset of actual creatures. If you go against any black or red deck with halfway decent burn or creature destruction, you will lose. After game 1, they'll sideboard in all their burn and destruction, and you won't have enough Deprive and Negate in hand. Remember that about half of black's creature destruction is sorcery now too. Also, black and red could even target whichever creature you try to polymorph with their own instant, and since you won't have a target creature, the Poly won't resolve. I like your take on the idea, its just not that competitive.
Very cool deck. I would probably add either another Kazuul or another Chandra and remove the other, that way you have a more consistent chance of drawing those powerful cards without messing up your mana curve.
Both great ideas!! I just don't know how to put them in the deck without hurting the playabiltiy. A couple wall of bones could work, by removing a Guul Draz Assassin and Howling Mine, but then I might lose more late game control when the wall is useless. And Liliana is basically a repeatable single card Mind Rot for 3BB. I just don't know how to include her efficiently. I'll have to play around with the deck some when I pick up the Eldrazi cards (this weekend?). Thanks.
Ha, we both missed the Scribb Nibblers landfall ability, and an awesome one at that!
You don't need more than 20 swamps. The highest cost you have is 4, and the majority is 2, and its a single color deck. Drop the 2 swamps and add Malakir Bloodwitch and whatever else you feel would suit your deck best.
Interesting deck, but I think the theme isn't really conveyed yet. I would really like to see more exile and a little less mana. With all the mana/land fetch that's already in the deck, you'd probably get stuck with a handful of land, and no need to use your land fetch spells. Rampant Growth, Harrow, Harabaz Druid, and Terramorphic Expanse; I'd pick the two that are most useful to you, and skip on the rest. Personally I'd keep Terramorphic and Harrow. That'll free up 6 slots for more aggressive spells. Look into cards like Celestial Purge, Devout Lightcaster, Iona's Judgement, Path to Exile, Resounding Silence, and Undead Slayer. Also, the deck isn't really an Ally deck. Go ahead and drop Hara Freeblade for something more useful. In the end, you might consider switching out green for black. Black has many more awesome exile spells. Check out my Exile deck for some ideas. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=53103
Leechridden Swamp is a great idea, except that its from Shadowmoor, and the title of this says Type 2. As for the Catacombs, I was actually about to add 3 more. What is your reason for removing them? It can't be the loss of life, since this deck is all about the life gain. And it surely can't be the nice ability of getting 2 lands out of the library in 1 turn, and still having that land able to tap. What's your reasoning?
I'd suggest taking 2 of the Liliana's out of the deck. Remember you can only have 1 in play at a time, and with 4 in the deck, you will probably be drawing 2 during a single game. Replace it with either 2 more Unsummons, or 2 more Royal Assassins. I'd suggest the Assassins. Also, a Sideboard is required to be either 15 cards or 0 cards, nowhere in between. Good deck overall, but I'd sure hate to play against that deck. So annoying. ;)
Why not? I still can't believe people don't get this yet, especially with all the decks you have. Its called thinning the deck. The point is to remove 2 lands from your deck in 1 turn in order to get to creatures and spells faster. I have Terramorphic Expanse because I can't afford Marsh Flats right now, and Terramorphic is the next best thing. When I get another $40 do drop on cards, I'll be getting those.
Good start, but the deck needs a bit more focus. First thing should be to drop it to 60 cards. -2 Mind Sludge -3 Bloodhusk Ritualist -2 Bloodghast -2 Hideous End +4 Guul Draz Vampire +1 Malakir Bloodwitch Sideboard the 3 Vampire Hexmages. Their use is kind of limited to taking out Planeswalkers, or +1/+1 counter decks. Other than that, you will want to swap out some of the cards that only have 2, and make some of the better cards into a set of 4 in the deck. If you're looking into more of a Discard/Vampire deck, you might consider swapping out some vampires for the Hypnotic Specter and the Guul Draz Specter. And probably throw in a pair of Megrims and a set of 4 Sign in Blood, that way you can get them to keep discarding, and they take extra damage when they discard. Check out my decks for some ideas. Vampire Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=45622 Exile/Discard Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=53103
Like I said, the deck is aimed towards combating what we know of the Eldrazi. Kalitas works by killing a non indestructible Eldrazi, and even with their ability of shuffling their graveyard into the library, they still go to the graveyard first, allowing a massive vampire to come into play.
The Flats and Catacombs thin the deck, by removing 2 lands from your library in 1 turn as apposed to 1 a turn. That way you get to your spells and creatures faster. They are common sense cards for every deck. You should seriously consider Blood Tribute. With all the life gain in this deck, and Sanguine Bond + vampires, Blood Tribute should be a no brainer.
What is your goal with the deck? You have a land control/destroy, discard, vampires, random creatures, and reanimation. You need to make a decision what you want to do with the deck, then put in 4's of cards that revolve around that theme. You need a win situation.
Wow, that looks like a really fun, albeit annoying, deck. Very nice.
I agree with shauner. Why only 1? Also, find a way to include some fetch lands to trigger the landfall ability of Adm Angel on demand. I'd remove the other nonbasic lands for them. And my personal preference is to never go above 60 cards, but +1 isn't that bad.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.