Adventuring gear seems pointless, you are running on too few lands as it is. I liked the deck by accident, so assume that i didnt mean to until you added guides and rebirth. ADD MORE LAND!!!
I definitely agree, add them and i will 'like' it.
why verdant catacombs?
Hello, me again. I dont know what your mana curve plays like at the moment, but invincible hymn can give you alot of life very quickly (although you need to get it out as soon as you can to benefit fully. P.S. Thanks for your comments on my decks, i have added omnath to the eldrazi - ramp!
Be aware that there are plenty of spells that will happily wipe all your elves of the face of the earth at once eg. pyroclasm or volcanic fallout. Perhaps add some colourless mana gain artifacts like dreamstone hedron or thran dynamo. All in all a very nice deck indeed. Consider protean hydra; there's a card where you can use all your mana at once for a game-ending move!
Nice one, perhaps some board sweepers like pyroclasm or whatever in order to clear the board of anoying soldier tokent and the like.
where on earth is vampire nocturnus: consider including
Sorry, forgot to say that i really love this deck; its awesome Still consider my suggestions
Also, celestial mantle is a really great enchantment that could repeatedly doubble your life points! Ajani goldmane himself can give you a avatar with power and toughness equal to your life.
Try out felidar sovreign, it is a tough six mana creature with lifelink, and if you have it and 40 or more life during your upkeep, you win the game! please could you help me, I am new to the site, but reckon that this deck has serious tournament potential
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