To change red(mountains) to green(forest) for your omnath
Joiner adapt?
1: plains,quest,drop down five 0 cmc creatures, get argentum armor on any creature.
If you think about it allies bounce like hell. Have 5 allies out on the field? 2 of them being excavators? Play 1 more excavator or copy one with Jwari. And that's 3 times 6= 18 cards for 2 mana. Have any more allies on the field? The mill would be actually better B/W
Trying to keep it standard.
I was actually messing around when i made this. I was like "Hey what if i put like 4 of everything in a deck hmmmmm" Made it. Change around some stuff and here it is. I couldn't think of any other walls that mana gen. Post some if you know of any plz
I'm also running on price. This wasnt that much compare to other decks i've built
Tangle cords are for flyers and blockers
Thanks for the critique. I was thinking about taking out black completely and throwing in white allies as a defense and also more mill. I'm using Jwari's to clone the halimars. But then there's always mimic vat