All critz welcome.
Dang it!!!!!
NIce deck, but some island and Ensoul artifact would be nice.
It's fine, I was being over dramatic.
ok, fine!!
2 Elementals worked great, but I could never get enough graveyard for Treasure Cruise.
Got me, but any suggestions on what should go?
A lot of good ideas, but Torrent Elemental has a black\green ability.
All critz welcome!!!
Nice deck, but I suggest a Stoke the Flames instead of Lighting Strike, and two more Chief of the Edges instead of Monastery Mentor.
Good ideas I'll implement your ideas as soon as Fate Reforged is allowed on this web sight.
Good idea with Mer-Ek Nightblade, but Polukranos kinda defeats this deck's budget tag.
All critz welcome!
all critz welcome
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