Oh! Invisible Stalker with Sword of Body and Mind. That and Jace going. GG :P
ha yep, mill with a few zombies indeed. This deck looks very capable of wrecking another. I was just trying to keep the price of mine down. Jace's ability + Undead Alchemist is pretty nuts, haha.
Nice! B/G zombies may be something great depending on cards in the coming sets. I made a B/G zombie deck as well, but I'm waiting for the next sets to give some cool parts at preferably low cmc. It seems kinda blah right now with just mass tokens. :P http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=238535 The only thing about this deck that's kind of worrysome is the mana curve. It's definitely a mid-late game bomb, but starting out I can see many decks doing enough to you so that by the time you get going it's a bit too late. I feel like Call to the Grave won't serve you very well here with Grave Titan and anything Geth reanimates. 4 Grave Titans might be a little too much as well. More low cost zombies and/or low cost control would do this deck some good. Just my thoughts ;)
thanks! I thought it would be a fun casual idea. Your link appears to be broken? :/
Grave Titan with Sword of Vengeance. go ahead. take it in and enjoy it. ;) There are ways to do it very cheaply (mana cost wise)
hmm, I hadn't considered Venser before. That ability and his others would be quite valuable in here though! I usually just cycle Sharuum and Filigree around with Master Transmuter. Thanks for the tip! I'll see where I could fit him in. Maybe I'll take out the two Terashi's Grasp.
This deck could use some Sex Appeal
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