I read his reply in the forum, and it makes me that much more excited about this new format. I can't believe you've gotten over 30 decks. Well, I mean I can, but that's awesome!
I checked out the forum. I'm so excited! The quality of my decks has tended to wax and wane over the years, so it's cool to see he likes this one.
On an unrelated note, I took your advice and did some playtesting against some of my other decks. Of course, I was playing against myself, so I knew what was in my opponent's hand, but it didn't really affect the decisions I made.Aristocrat Mill vs. Wurms for Life:A mono green deck all about gaining life to pump up Voracious Wurm. Unfortunately, lifegain doesn't help against a mill deck. Wurms had an problem that green doesn't normally run into: getting enough mana. Wurms was only able to play two Forests the entire game, and they were enchanted by Mill with Chronic Flooding. Once Mind Funeral hit the battlefield, it was game over. This one was a slaughter.Winner: Aristocrat MillAristocrat Mill vs. BlackpearlA white/black tribal deck featuring clerics. Blackpearl was able to get enough Clerics out so that when Gangrenous Goliath was milled to the graveyard, its ability could be used and it could be replayed. Mill was actually down to 8 life by the time Blackpearl's library ran out.Winner: Aristocrat MillAristocrat Mill vs. Icy HotA blue/red creatureless deck with more burn and control spells than you can shake an Isochron Scepter at. I thought with Elixir of Immortality and a constant barrage of burns, this deck would be able to pull through. Unfortunately, all of the Elixirs were milled early in the game and after that, even Imprinting a counterspell on a scepter wasn't enough to save Icy.Winner: Aristocrat MillAristocrat Mill vs. Phage the UnusualThis is my Johnny deck. This is the deck that will win games. When others turn to Coalition Victory, I turn to Phage (I'm starting to show my age). A mono black that doesn't make Phage unblockable, but sacrifices her to Endless Whispers and "donates" her to an opponent, forcing them to lose the game. The first Whispers was countered by Mill, so Phage transmuted Dimir House Guard to get another. Phage played Leveler, which was also countered, but by this time there were two more in hand ready to go. Even with over half the deck milled, Phage still came out on top.Winner: Phage the UnusualIn the end, this deck won against 3 out of 4 games I played. I found out two things: this is a strong deck, definitely one of my better ones, as it will hit as fast as it can and cripple opponents. It's very aggressive. I also learned about some of the weaknesses in all of my decks, and I've refined them a lot. I will do this more often. Thanks, Jessie.
Can't put it much better than that. Thanks for looking at my decks.
Me too! They're challenging, but so much fun to play.
Thanks. I've had this one for years and just kept updating as new sets came out. I finally decided to keep it as is after Return to Ravnica. It's not as flashy, but it's one of my favorites.
I have a couple decks still under construction. Once they're done I can post the links.EDIT: Or those three. Thanks for the comments.
My W/B Cleric tribal. My oldest deck and the first one I posted here on MTGVault. It's pretty straightforward.I added Haunting Echoes to the sideboard. I think you will agree, it's a stronger card than Traumatize.
Just a little pocket change.Seriously, this is a great deck. I didn't realize Haunting Echoes was first printed back in Odyssey; it is such an awesome card! I also appreciate that while it costs $2000, you fall back on the same old overpriced cards, like the Power Nine. But it's still powerful and can still decimate on turn 4-5.
$2000? Wow! I gotta go to work soon, but I will check it out tonight.
Thanks for looking at the deck! I had forgotten about Guiltfeeder. I don't think I would use it because the deck focuses on milling and not loss of life. I looked hard at Tome Scour though (I especially love the M14 flavor text), but I couldn't find a spot for it. Maybe if I move things around in the sideboard.Have I tested it... not exactly. I just moved to a new area and I don't know anybody that plays MTG, so I don't have anyone to test new decks against. I suppose I could play it against myself, use Blackpearl...
I hope I'm not late to the party. I tried my hands at making a mill deck, which is not my forte.http://www.mtgvault.com/anubis-monori/decks/aristocrat-challenge-mill/I have to say though, I really like this new format. I will be using it again.
You're welcome. I only give suggestions; in the end it's still your deck so how much you do or don't change it is solely up to you.
This deck is brutal. Definitely gets my +1. I would suggest two things: if Memnite is only going to be around for blocking, how about Shield Sphere? It will last longer. Also, Boomerang is great, but the new Void Snare does the same thing for only 1 mana, with one drawback: it can't target lands, and Boomerang does. I guess it depends on how important that is to you.
I like this $6 challenge because a lot of interesting decks have come out of it. Like this one: deathtouch is such a great ability!
With that in mind, Avoid Fate or Molten Influence would be good cards to add to your deck. Autumn's Veil and Guttural Response are also good against those blue control cards.
Yes, that is a perfect addition. Just what the deck needed.
I like it. You use a lot of strong creatures, including Shivan Dragon, one of my favorites. Because it is so creature heavy, I'm not sure if you really need so many Act of Treason. Those spots may be better suited for another burn spell or one of the creature boosting enchantments Skilledzero mentioned. Even still, it's a good deck as it is.
Thanks for checking out my deck. By the way, I always enjoy looking at your budget decks because you come up with cool ideas but this is my first real attempt. I have to say, it gives me a new perspective. I passed up a lot of cards when making and then tweaking this deck, and I know I'm still not finished with it. It is not an easy process and for you to come here and do this on a daily basis, I have a lot of respect for you. Thanks.
Look at that. I got in the second Knight of Glory. Thanks for looking at the deck!
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