but thank you for the suggestions... also i really dont even like smitter cloud shift is still up for removal for wsomething else possibly sphinx revelation
and as for running a full set up arbor elfs i would rather only have 3 instead of 4 because whats the point in drawing an arbor elf on turn 9? rather limit the chances of srawing them late
i believe ground seal in the main is a good idea because its either gonna be the first card u side out or its gonna win u the first game... plus it replaces its self with the draw card ability
and that enchantment
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=395163 def would take out rangers guile and grisly salvage and corpsejack also i dont think u need that many 1 of take out 1 slitherhead
and u only have pack rats as ur win condition... u need more to this deck or somthing else to keep it alive...
good idea^
why no cathedrals?
Damn spelling