Any suggestions are welcome for standard and maybe even modern all ideas are welcome thank you for taking the time to look!(:
More creatures no doubt atleast 14 main i ran a deck similar with only ten creatures and tons of removal but they killed my creatures so i had no major win con maybe guttersnipes or pack rats? also Chandra is mean in these types of decks!
And they told me illustionist bracers would always be useless and i have had a foil since my booster box! xD i laugh in there faces!!
Hi again just read your other post but ok ill take a look thanks ((:
What i would do if i had that kind of money xDD
Can either of you make a non budget Rakdos deck? maybe a midrange i have one that i still am going to test out at FNM this week but i see you two all over this website and seems to know what your talking about i would just love to play with a rakdos midrange ((:
That's one expensive budget...
You to Brutus? The Tragedy of Julius Caesar reading that in school right now haha (:
Your right about the herald of torment i should and probably will take him out i just love puting him on a pack rat and attacking for 4 its funny but i need more win cons also removal i probably will take out 2 doom blades for bile blight when i get a hold of some pharikas cure gains my life back and gets rid of voice of resurgance thanks for the suggetsions
I would drop two oracle of bones to side and your two desecration demons to main so with mogis they sac if they dont they also have desecration demon to worry about i like this deck a lot ill probably test it out with a few of my own twist (: +1
If i where you id drop your pilfred plans to make it a playset of Ashioks sure hes a plainswalker but once he hits the board he is targeted i think he would do better then those when i run mill i run a playset of him and 3 jaces but then again it is what ever you feel comfy with
everyone is making this deck seem bad it looks fun 65 cards may be a bit much but its not horrible i would suggest pithing needle sideboard tho since it does stop AEtherling!
i dont really know the rules of EDH i have never played before but from what i see non-standard cards are allowed so maybe a Cavern of Souls? and a Falkenrath Aristocrat? <-- probably spelt that wrong im horrible at spelling xD and Necropilis regent? like i said i dont know the rule so i dont know if theres a certain amount of mythics and rares you can have but these are my suggestions haha
haha ok xD
i was unsure as well so i looked it up a while back its just a deck that only has common cards
Ok so since Exeva is a Legendary and you have three i would maybe drop one and add a purphoros <-- dont know how to spell his name but you get it. because exeva and chainwalkers are the only cards with unleash so she isnt in there for much and purphoros could win you the game a lot faster just my suggestion I like the deck im looking into building a Rakdos so just taking some ideas from yours and also making my suggestions so thank you((:
Maybe just maybe Spiker Jester? hes a good uncommon for early game((: im probably going to make this deck since i have most the cards plus the already expensive ones i got lucky and pulled thorugh packs! ill just modify it a bit((:
Amazing Deck Description!(: this might be a little late to post on this deck but im looking for turbo fog decks and enchantments decks for THG me and my friend didnt prep and at a last minute decion we decided to play and placed third so hes going enchantmnets or turbo fog to be the sheild and ill be the sword for when they do have THG at my FNM location ((: just planning ahead! haha
Cant tell if your mad about that comment or not? but ok it was just a suggestion kid
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