Thanks for the tips guys, I dropped it down to sixty and it already looks better, because Im lacking some cards though im needing to keep more lands in it (for now) ill try to trade for some of your suggested cards. what are the most important elves I have in here? in other words, what should I look for copies of?
Thanks for the advice! I'm really just starting out so all of this was very helpful. My bad on the sixty cards, I thought decks had to be "at least" sixty cards. Ill trash most of those cards you suggested, but as for multiples, the reason I have what I have is because I don't have any other elf cards, I'm just sort of starting out with some old cards. Your advice is much appreciated. I designed the deck really just to get as many creatures as I can out at one time, and fast. I had the elvish champion, timberwatch elf, tribal forcemage, and all the stat increasing instants and sorcery's to do as much damage as I could in one attack with a ton of elves. Good point on the Totem speaker =p. Also would it be worth it to keep the hivemasters to work with pendelhaven elder? thats kind of what I was getting at, because if I get a hivemaster out early I can get tons of 1/1 insects. Any other advice? keep criticizing it is really helpful, thanks again =]