So many one-ofs! It's not a bad thing, just means that my suggestions becomes a lot less useful. My friend runs an ally deck with harabaz druid and Clarion Ultimatum, to devastating effect,
I think that with the amount of lifegain you have through the Perimeter Captains, and the defensive nature of this deck, you could probably run a pair of Survival Cache's instead of one copy of Kazuul and Gideon, for some draw power. The odds of drawing Jura or the Tyrant are reduced, but you would have more ways to draw them.
With so many tokens, you should consider Eldrazi Monument. I know it's not really in theme with the sacrificing, but it can help pull a win out of nowhere. Also, while it's still standard legal, I think Vampire Aristocrat is better than Viscera seer. Check out Jacob Van Lunen's article on the Wizards site this week, he covers designing a deck like this.
Phylactery Lich isn't great here. You have to control the artifact the phylactery counter is on to keep it alive, leaving only 4 viable targets in the deck. On the other hand, I really like the synergy between amulet of vigor and Reassembling Skeleton.
I notice that you're excluding the Shards block and M10 as much as possible, meaning other than Pulse this deck is good to go after the Scars block rears its metallic head later in the year. Maelstrom pulse is simply too good to leave out while it's legal to play it. I agree with Gewa about Inquisition of Kozilek over Consuming Vapors, they fulfill essentially the same role in this deck, dumping something to the grave that your Occultist can nab. While Inquisition only hits one card, it can do it on turn one. And you get a say as to which card it is. Liliana is great here, she can stack some nasty turns with her second ability, especially after sideboard when you can put multiple turntimber rangers in succession out, making for some scary board presence. The recursion in this deck makes it much better set against Day of Judgement than most, and your allies are actually a great way to draw DoJ out. Overall, I think this is a well curved, well thought out deck that's not dissimilar to the one I'm planning on building in the next few weeks. Hopefully this comment was of some help.
Since the Idea is speed, no, I will not add Vigor or Hostility. Ashling wouldn't be bad, nor Boggart, but it's already streamlined. Boggart is only gonna help the Forger and the Harbinger, this is a Shaman deck, not an Elemental one.
I would add Conspiracy, so your zombies can also be clerics, and thus can be sacced and resacced
The best things I can think of for this are Blood Speaker and Deathrender.
There are Blightnings in the SB. But I don't like them in this deck. They make my runeflare traps smaller
I'm running a creature that gets a big target painted on it every time it appears, the Grim Discovery's came in after it got fragged consistently.
Not sure you're going to be able to balance the mana for those black kickers, but it seems ok. My issue is that Malakir will on occasion have to come in unkicked, if you have mountains where its used to having swamps.
Coat of Arms added anyway, thanks for the suggestion.
Updated the deck description to say I can't afford Coat of Arms xD