I would really appreciate tips and suggestions! :D
I like it, not really good at aggro decks myself but maybe some of those spells in the new theros set that does both damage and scry. It would make the flow of the deck extremely smooth
Also I'm trying to make the deck so that i can win without my infinite mana combo still on a turn 4/ 5 basis, maybe even a 6
Hmm I like that, or what about gelatinous genesis??? I like infinite infinite/infinite oozes much better :P but then again white sun's zenith is reusable
Hey I guys I would really appreciate some advice and tips for my deck, thanks!
if you were to block a 3/3 with guardian of the pride, could you use the cradle of vitality's ability and make it a 3/6 before damage is dealt??
also forced worship would be nice since it's reusable. try that with courtly provocateur, then you could force the opponent to make you gain life
seems solid, maybe add safety sphere or ethereal armor since it is such an enchantment heavy deck.
maybe you should try to to splash some blue into this deck, there are plenty of defenders that are really good like wall of denial, fog bank/ guard gomazoa, gomazoa, and plumeveil. if you did add blue, i would take out armored ascension and put in some counter spells. ooh another addition, although not defender, is Azor's elocutors.
I would go with deadbridge chant
If your going to run Gideon's Lawkeepers you should also run Palliation Accord to really prevent some damage. Also another nifty combo is Telepathy and Lurking Informant, these two will allow you to have a control on your opponents draw and also know when they can play their big threats.
XD i love how you use "babies" anyways i agree replace thoughtseize with something else, like something to sack those voice of resurgence for a bonus
Maybe one or two...
Add Vault of the archangel! It will add plenty to your life gain and give your creatures a deadly buff (as if they were not deadly already :P)
Depends... If it's a big tournament then definitely yes there will be graveyard hate, but if it is a small tournament or even a casual game then most likely you won't find much trouble
maybe sideboard a jarad for his awesome sacking power and also add corpsejack menace to change it to a 5 turn win, but way more vicious with a 46/45!
add secrets of the dead, that will really get you the cards you need much quicker... oh yeah maybe move past in flames to sideboard and add some think twice. That's what i run in my R/B flashback deck called Flare Madness. You should check it out you would probably like it too! :D
XD You know what would make this deck OP? Enchantment lands, similar to the original Mirrodin artifacts land. lol it would be probably banned really quick though
If you're going for a quick win, I would agree with taking out safety sphere because you can get it out early enough to really screw around with an opponents hand, but a more long range deck safety sphere is way better (a few times I played that with my Azorious enchantment deck and my opponents had to pay twenty mana to attack! Talk about OP!