Sorry to spam replies, but im just kinda posting new ideas as they come. You're deck got me thinking about a bunch of stuff, its really cool! Here's my final take on the deck (havent done the sideboard yet)
Oh, and im personally a fan of Snapcaster Mages if you want to add them in. Just take 4 cards of your deck that you have 4 copies of replace one of each with a snapcaster mage since they essentially can become that spell anyways. It also allows you to reuse your entreat the angels even if you're forced to board wipe, and is a flash blocker to fool your opponent into thinking your defenseless, and is a quick 2 drop if you think your opponent is going to play passive control. A lot of times people are hesitant to blow a spell like pillar of flame or a detention sphere that have the potential to kill multiple creatures on a single 2/1, so you might be able to sneak a few quick hits in to take some pressure off of laying down you're big drops
And also as many people have mentioned, the deck is could get ruined by a slaughter games because you're highly reliant on entreat the angels, i would recommend putting some Geist of Saint Trafts in there because they can deal some good early damage and are hexproof so they are safe from control
I second this recommendation. just add 1 in instead of maybe a supreme verdict since you already have so much board control, and one you start dropping your angels its a heart breaker to clear the board. They come in handy early if you can drop it for its miracle to get a head start and beat your opponent to dropping your finisher, or just to establish board control. And obviously late game you can drop it to give yourself the extra turn to land the finishing blow, or just use it to wipe the board and you get the first turn to set up instead of them
Wow, cool idea! Especially for so cheap. I disagree with the $50 price tag since those lands like glacial fortress and drowned catacomb tend to run like $16-20 for 4 , but overall a good idea and im definately going to try it out