As you are all aware the current global board state as been in a state of decline ever since President Kruphix took office. Tooth and Nails entwining across the open plains of Selesnya, double cascades happening daily into extra turns and blatant theiveries. Consecrated Sphinx giving the enemy a huge advantage in the field. And oil tycoons like Arcum Dagsson and Jace doing things with Possessed Portals and card draw that have no helpful cause to any fragment of humanity except their own.
On this day, we the UN Security Council propose legislation 21-42-B to help counteract these degenerative measures and try to restore peace to the kitchen table, either forced or otherwise.
So here we stand fellow players of the game, united as a single front against the trolls, combos and locks to see that the world and game can make it through these dark times and see the rising sun on a better world with a more promising tomorrow.
Okay so here is the plan for boot-on-the-ground combat, and it involves more then a swift kick in the balls to correct the current board state and the meta in general.
PHASE ONE [Operation Let there be light]
Set the opponents up for a nice friendly game. Drop down Howling Mine, Font of Mythos. If you get either one of these in your opening hand don't be afraid to mull down to be able to absorb the first couple turns. Oath of Lieges and Anvil of Bogardan can also be helpful. If they complain about discarding from the Anvil, convince them it is a friendly tax. They'll listen, it is TWO cards a turn after all.
Get as many non crippling artifacts and enchantments in play as possible during this phase. Avoid playing cards that start locking opponents out too early.
End this phase with Statecraft, Blood Moon, War's Toll, Rule of Law, Mana Web, Storage Matrix, etc.
PHASE TWO [Operation Reap and Sow (and Reap)]
This is where you want to put out your Propaganda and Ghostly Prison. Don't make the opponent feel that you are stopping their game play, you just want to hinder it. Make them look at you as a threat, but not to the point where someone targets you for destruction. If one opponent is particularly annoyed, help them out, give them a Sensei's or a cool creature or a shield of their own. Hell, give them untapped land if they need it. Time spiral and get back the stuff they have already blown up or removed.
You want to end this stage with , Stranglehold, Price of Glory, Back to Basics, etc
PHASE THREE [Operation Freedom]
In this phase you just turn the board state on the opponent, chances are the cards are so mixed at this point and half a dozen crafty reactions are happening each time a spell is cast. Confusion in the ranks with anything (even itself), and Illusions of Grandeur. Delaying Shield and Celestial Dawn should prevent opponents from attacking you openly under fear of [severe] repercussions and possible urge to throw actual punches. Use a well timed Theives' Auction to grab up the entire board. Best used with Amulet of Vigor. Get that back first and all your things will come in untapped. Or grab the land before the power and some opponents will have little left. Or avoid taking creatures and reins of power. The ideas are endless! This deck is permanent heavy and a warp world will usually win the game. Mostly due to the opponents developing a headache or needing a cigarette. Bring cigarettes with you, even non-smokers will want one to calm themselves from wanting to hit you (and hey, Zedruu is more then happy to give you something for nothing).
In this phase, try to prevent the opponent from casting more spells then you and using that expensive land base that most EDH players love to have. I chose not to run Ruination because of warp world and would rather opponents took damage via Burning Earth.
Cards to get out as quickly as possible by priority;
1) Land Tax
2) Mana Rocks
3) Stranglehold
4) Stony Silence
5) Friendly Card Draw
6) Zedruu
7) Any Creature
8) Mana Limiters
9) Spell Restrictions
10) Insurrection/Thieves' Auction/Warp World
Cards to give away as quickly as possible;
1)All of them