Here is my myr deck that works wonderfully. Take a look, it might help. Otherwise, here are my suggestions: Drop the shrine. Not helping as it is too slow. Drop the genesis chamber. It won't help you unless you are moving far faster than your opponent. Maybe only 2 Reservoirs? And the turbine. It'll help pull the myrs you need. Maybe a lodestone myr for trampling past defenders. And seeing as how you're already able to crank out the infinite mana combo, why not give yourself something to do with it? Myr matrix makes everything much more dangerous as well as a way to make the infinite mana loop crank out something worthwhile. My two cents.
I found two cards that'll make the opponent's land into an island. At 4 copies a piece, that should have them draw with enough in order to fuel the islandwalk, aye?
Tried to make a control deck, but I'm terrible at it, so it ended up being aggro. Suggestions for either would work and would be greatly appreciated. I would love to be able to turn this into control, though.
Can't win? Can't be played at all. There is more than 4 copies of cards. That is only allowed with basic lands and relentless rats...
Those dismembers are mighty expensive without any way to make it back up... Maybe oblivion rings instead? On a side note, it was marked as mono white but is instead white/green...? Still fairly new to this, so I hope I helped somewhat...
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