Green Agro Ramp

by AndrewAlcutt on 13 December 2012

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence

Type breakdown

Arbor Elf4x Arbor ElfCreature — Elf Druid$0.00$0.00$0.00
Somberwald Sage4x Somberwald SageCreature — Human Druid$0.00$0.00$0.00
Vorapede3x VorapedeCreature — Insect$0.00$0.00$0.00
Wolfir Avenger4x Wolfir AvengerCreature — Wolf Warrior$0.00$0.00$0.00
Wolfir Silverheart3x Wolfir SilverheartCreature — Wolf Warrior$0.00$0.00$0.00
Rancor4x RancorEnchantment — Aura$0.00$0.00$0.00
Blessings of Nature2x Blessings of NatureSorcery$0.00$0.00$0.00
Revenge of the Hunted4x Revenge of the HuntedSorcery$0.00$0.00$0.00