Any and all tips are welcome.
If you want to do something super amusing, add an isocron scepter. My boyfriend runs that with silence so every turn you can silence your opponent for two mana.
Hmm, one thing I would do is swap your guildgates for Temple Gardens. Then maybe lose the abundant growths since you are only running two colors. And I would ditch two grove of the guardians and swap them with 2 more plains. The temple gardens are just better than the guildgates because they either do the exact same thing by coming into play tapped, or they come into play untapped for just 2 life. This can be game changing at times. I would swap two of your groves for plains because groves only produce colorless mana which can be a pain, plus they are expensive to pull off and if your opponent kills your token then you just wasted 6 mana and two blockers. You should also maybe look into getting a couple armada wurms, they are very fun in tokens decks because you get 2 5/5s for 6 mana. And one last thing, I would main deck those smiters, but that's just because I personally love that card. xD Oh, and I really like the Garruk addition.
This is my Selesnya Standard Deck, Built it the other day so it still probably has a few bugs that need worked out. But I really like it so far.
Have you tried using Birds of Paradise? They seem like an obvious choice for any rainbow deck, at least to me. Just a thought.