
6 Decks, 8 Comments, 1 Reputation

Only problem is, to optimize this both need to come into the battlefield in the same turn. Not necessarily doable. However, if the Maulers come in first and remain unbounded, any creature can have haste as soon as they come in ..

so ... I don't know.. do your math :D

Posted 24 March 2013 at 12:05 in reply to #330905 on Storm the Armada


Those are exactly what I own at the moment ..

Thanks for sharing your deck.. will see if I can get any ideas from it

Posted 24 March 2013 at 11:51 in reply to #333495 on Legions of Justice


I do wish to have a maxed out Sniper squad!!

Thanks for the idea .. reminded me that I have rogue's passage lying around. Will definitely add it here! I don't have any artful dodges or tricks of the trades .. but then Rogue's Passage can have the same effect.

Posted 20 March 2013 at 09:54 as a comment on I will shoot you down


What is the Heavy Mattock doing here? yes, you do have 6 humans but none of which is an attacker .. they are all here to serve a purpose! I would remove it and put a Ring of Evos Isle instead. That way, Stern Mentor can have Hexproof and keep milling every turn and (and gets +1/+1 each turn). Even better, put it on Crosstown Courier and keep increasing his power.

Posted 19 March 2013 at 11:57 as a comment on blue mill


With Ibrahim I decided to overrun him with smaller 1/1 soldiers plus Crusader of Odric(s) while still building the 3/3 centaur population.. wasn't perfect but was sufficient to win first two games.

I added the Naturalize and Nature end cards to counter Tamim's Arrest/Pacifism/Oblivion Ring strategy (from which I have suffered one time too many)... after he beat me the first game of three I factored them in and never again a card was nullified more than a turn. Also, Plummet and Aerial Predation were used vicioiusly against any flying card he has. And, finally, I removed the Crusader of Odric and all secondary grounded creatures in favor of the flying ones.

With Ness I re-added the faster cards to counter her 80-card deck (which told me that it's a slow deck).

Posted 16 March 2013 at 04:37 as a comment on Spec Optimized Populate


I really like this deck.. suits my manipulative needs ..

Posted 30 December 2012 at 11:21 as a comment on Guantanamo Bay


LOL .. same thought! In one of my decks I used Unsummon/Archaeomancer with Talrand to summon 4-5 drakes in 2 turns.. the look on my friend's face .. LOL

Posted 30 December 2012 at 11:21 in reply to #312776 on Guantanamo Bay


Nuff said!

Posted 30 December 2012 at 11:11 as a comment on Jace fast draw
