my infect deck wins so much harder, check it out
you could play spreading seas and inkwell leviathan, that would be sick because shroud is better than indestructible
you could go with a mill win condition with 4 jwari shapeshifter, 4 clone, 2 rite of replication and 4 halimar excavator, the white just adds the protection capability with removal spells like journey to nowhere and condemn
look at my rug infect deck
cut out the hippogriff, acolyte, and other things that dont affect the combo directly, add semblance anvil for free myr casting
abyssal persecutor would be very effective in this deck
i win on turn 3 or 4 with this deck against most people in magic online, the mana is no issue at all with the fetch lands coming in, i usually turn 1 preordain and get my engine going pretty quickly with turn 2 infecter into turn 3 groundswell assault strobe, flame slash is incredibly efficient at getting rid of that pesky early blocker. The main thing is geeting the turn 1 island draw
look at mine
less cards to get the combos out faster, trinket mage to get chimeric mass, take out the portals and run 2 wurmcoil engine in case you dont get the combo, less myr more combo
staggershock works well for double rebound, alot of rebound cards would be good
less cards, cut it to 60, 4 join the ranks, 4 ondu cleric, 4 path to exile, 4 archive trap, 4 celestial collonade,
siege gang commander, warren instigator,
bloodbraid elf, pleeeeease.
path to exile also works well
check out my naya deck for some other card ideas too
this should be a cool deck
Land 4 sunpetal grove 4 raging ravine 4 stirring wildwood 2 plains 2 forest 2 mountain Creature 4 bloodbraid elf 4 birds of paradise 2 Novablast Wurm 2 Dragon Broodmother 2 dragon broodmate 2 hellkite charger Enchantment 4 khalni heart expedition 2 sunspring expedition Sorcery 4 rampant growth 4 explore Instant 4 harrow 4 lightning bolt 2 fog
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