
15 Decks, 19 Comments, 0 Reputation

That sounded awesome, but I think that this ruling applies...?
8/1/2008: As the token is created, it checks the printed values of the creature it's copying -- or, if that creature is itself a token, the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that put it onto the battlefield -- as well as any copy effects that have been applied to it. It won't copy counters on the creature, nor will it copy other effects that have changed the creature's power, toughness, types, color, or so on.

I'm not sure, I might be reading the ruling incorrectly. It should count the devour ability, right?
I think that the beast master ascension is unnecessary. The tokens just stack up to the point of being unstoppable regardless. I've seen in a more Mycloth oriented decks where they have swung for 5 million points of damage....with 5 million saporlings.

Posted 04 November 2010 at 11:24 in reply to #93983 on IT'S OVER 9000!!!!


No Emeria at least? There's no draw engine, you'll be top decking, and have nothing to do once you get day'd. Enlistment Officer will help you get more into your hand too.

Posted 08 August 2010 at 01:21 as a comment on


That's why there is bear umbra. I'd be untapping all of my lands/creatures. Though I do see the faults, but I did kinda make this just for fun.

Posted 12 June 2010 at 10:25 in reply to #67691 on Lands will eat you.


I know he's a heavy drop, but the Totem-guide Heartbeest isn't terrible. I find that the deck needs to be creature heavy for the fact that you need them for the deck to work at all. I run 22 creatures for mine. Sigil of the Nayan Gods is amazing 3 drop to be honest. Since you are running more non-totem enchantments, maybe 2 or so Umbra Mystics wouldn't hurt.

Posted 12 June 2010 at 10:23 as a comment on Kor Auras (Any Ideas?)


You have no spot removal at all, and I can definitely see it as a possibility to get wrecked by faster decks.

Posted 25 April 2010 at 17:21 as a comment on [T2/ROE] Level Me Elmo, Tickle Me Merfolk


You aren't running Tinker? Tsk, tsk.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 00:19 as a comment on Nothing but Artifacts and Basic Land


Thanks. I've considered that previously with the knight of the white orchid, but I've never got to play them actually. I have yet to buy them. (Haven't had the money.) I actually just don't worry about flying, and making them fly is never really a priority for me.
I use to run Kor Outiftter and all that, but to be honest, he became a completely dead draw. I'd either get him a turn or two late, or never draw an equipment.
I really appreciate your input. Maybe I'll tweak it in ways you mentioned after I've played it a few times when I buy my cards and all that.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 23:29 as a comment on Kors, with a side of stfu.


Vithian Stinger looks like a very poor choice of a card, if you're going to ping someone, mind as well get Chandra Nalaar, or even Chandra Ablaze for that matter. You could toss the less damaging burn spells for 4 damage directly.
Run two Electropotence, it's decent, but only one isn't consistent enough.
Soul's Fire would basically be useless outside of your turn unless you actually had the Iguana out, simply because it'd be the only thing out with power.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 21:50 as a comment on Standard Burn


You definately need at least one other Vampire Nocturnus. I have seen it in work, and it's incredible. Vampire Lacerator tend to be more risk than they are worth. Vampire Nighthawk is better choice. Your opponents become way more hesitant in swinging into you.
Quest for the Gravelord doesn't really fit the theme of your deck, so maybe only 2 or none at all. Duress is always a good frustration for a turn one, I'd definitely say run a full play set.
Instead of Feast of Blood, I recommend Marsh Casualties.
Fetch land is great idea, because it'll let you shuffle your deck if you aren't getting the boost from Vampire Nocturnus, and getting the Bloodghast back.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 21:42 as a comment on Vampires


Adding a whole color into your sideboard isn't exactly the best idea. Telemin's Perforance is decent in the sideboard it's self, against non-creature producing decks. If you want to run white, which esper mill is excellent, Wall of Denial might be something to consider.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 21:35 as a comment on Neomill


Well, in the first place, the expedition map searches out the emeria lands, which I only run two of because of the previous problem of having 3 emerias, and hardly any planes for it to set off. The cartographer is pricing mana wise, but it is a constant land search, because I bring it back with the Emeria land, and so it thins the deck out.
I get a small tenancy to get flooded with non-creatures, so a board wipe definitely helps. So what if paths are expensive, it's an investment I'm more than willing to make seeing at it's so useful. And it helps that I already own a few.
And believe it or not, 20 lands is perfect. I rarely draw a 0-1 land hand. My deck is very consistent with land, and works well even with a 1 land hand.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 21:26 as a comment on Kors, with a side of stfu.


Your deck, it's rather large xD

Incremental Growth seems a little irrelevant if you only have one, along side Fistful of Force.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 20:24 as a comment on Snake Kingdom


I like it alot, I am a huge fan of big beast decks. Well, Leyline of Lightforce would be a bonus.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 20:10 as a comment on There's no more mana in my library


Runeflare trap seems slow, and a little inconsistent. Bane fire would probably be a little more damage inflicting, or even a fast creature, like hellspark elemental, could be of more help.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 19:27 as a comment on pyromancer ascension and stuff


Run Iona and shut them down.

Posted 15 December 2009 at 19:09 as a comment on Pro Black


Fertile ground is always a huge plus. Summoning trap might be for for the deck, and Llanowar Elf is the ultimate mana acceleration.
Nissa'a Choosen is an excellent 2 drop. Difficult to get rid of, and frustrating to an opponent.

Posted 10 December 2009 at 23:59 as a comment on Quest for Harrowed Land (Standard)


It could probably use a little more counter. Essence Scatter and that sort. The ponders don't seem exactly useful, especially if you're running Sage Owl. And it seems to me that too many of your creatures can die too easily. Blue isn't exactly known for power, but with the black there is a lot of potential. I'm not sure if it's type 2, but Intimidation is a great card.

Posted 10 December 2009 at 23:53 as a comment on Skys and Shadows (Standard)


Knight of New Alara might benefit you. I just got it for my deck. Oh Kaim...your already here. Figures.?

Posted 29 November 2009 at 21:40 as a comment on THIS IS IT!!!! (HOPEFULLY!!!! FINAL VERSION)


Enjoy the fail-decks.

Posted 29 November 2009 at 19:45 as a comment on Member Database
