Your friend seems pretty smart, you should buy him a couple boosters as a thank you. Instead of Infest. maybe you could run Unmakes or Plumeveils to help with early removal and defense.
Thanks so much for the response, I really appreciate it. The Deathbringer was a last minute add in due to the board clearing combo with the deathtouch granted by Death Baron. It's definately a late game card and may well be too expensive for it's own good, but it's a deadly combo if executed. Cemetary Reapers may well replace them, thanks for the tip. In my mind, Jace works here because the Specters will nullify any draws Jace's +2 ability gives my opponent, as they draw and then potentially discard during combat. I am toying with the idea of removing the two duresses and adding in two more mind funerals, just to up the milling theme. I like to have options and multiple ways to win, though I want to be careful not to spread the deck too thin. Thanks again!
Thanks for the advice smc1215, I should have put in the description that I wanted to stick with the Alara block with this deck, so that's why you don't see anything from Tenth Edition and Lorwyn/Shadowmoor. Other than that, good tips, the Aven Squires will most likely be out and another Citadel seems obvious. Any recommendations from Blue's Alara block for more control?