If you feel like this deck isn't powerful enough, I would suggest taking out most of the land search cards. As long as you can ramp into karametra, she'll take it from there. And if you remove those, you can put in much better things.
I'm considering adding a baneslayer angel for the inevitable mirror matches. To what extent do you think a Kaalia EDH should be quipped to handle mirrors?
Your desolation angel is confusing me. Without the kicker, I see no reason to run it. Is it intended to be hard-cast only?
I tend to like running a nevermore in EDH because the name of an opponent's commander is public knowledge. Not terribly helpful in staving off three players at once, but it works as a good bargaining chip.
I saw you comment on somebody's Kaalia deck and thought I'd come check out yours. Needless to say, I'm ridiculously impressed. Can you check mine out? I've got a first draft for a Kaalia EDH deck I'm making.Also, why are you running an Oblivion Ring? I always find cards like it to be rather underwhelming in EDH.
I love the blademaster + stalked prey combo!
Personally I love Stormtide Leviathan as a blue finisher. He's basically my favorite Blue creature ever. Also, Talrand Sky Summoner seems like it should work well here.
Why use Think Twice in this scenario instead of ponder? Sure, TT has a flashback ability, but ponder costs less and has scry 3.
Not a real big fan of the Chalice. Also, why don't you run Test of Endurance or Felidorn Sovereign? Mourning Thrull seems a bit out of place, especially without any auras or equipment to make it stronger. Personally, i'm also a big fan of Suture Priest and Auriok Champion, alternative is Soul Warden depending on your meta, because I prefer gaining off of entry ratehr than exit. I have a mono-white lifegain posted, I believe, that you may want to check out. I haven't updated it lately with what I run at the moment though. Love that Terashi's Grasp, I may add it to mine.
Just threw this together last night. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=385501 My goal was to make an Eldrazi deck on a budget, because I hate seeing these decks that cost over $1000 for Eldrazi. This ranges from $25-75. It's an eldrazi-centric deck that runs entirely off of Quicksilver Amulet to cast eldrazi during the other player's turn. Also has some Angels that troll him if cast on his turn. (sunburst, arbiter) As is it takes 5-6 turns (consitently!) to get any fatties out. Suggestions on how to make faster? Haven't built it yet as I'm waiting to improve on it first.