Have you ever wished to see how far you can take the MTGO client, without it crashing from you having too many tokens or too much mana? Does your EDH friends not hate you already? Yes? No?!? Either way this deck is for everyone to enjoy. This deck is so stupid, that Krenko himself could have made a more competitive deck, so if that is what you are searching for, then i can tell you, you aren't going to find that here.
This deck is pretty much made up of 99 combo pieces (minus lands) and Krenko, Mob Boss. That way, you are almost always sure that you have your combo on hand, and can pop off any second.
Ofcourse there is a bit of utility, and other stuff in there aswell, but most of the stuff you are gonna draw with this deck, is gonna help you, make your opponents twiddle their thumbs, while you play Magic, and they aren't allowed to join.
In the rare case of your enemy choosing to fuck with you before you popped off, there sadly isn't a lot to do about it. There is some artifact removal, and some creature removal in the deck, but you probably aren't gonna win any tournaments with this.
The fastest i've won with this deck, was going infinite on turn 4, a couple of times. It should be possible though, to do on turn 3, i just haven't done it yet.
This deck has 4 goals to achieve, before you can pop off, and take the win in front of everyone. Because your opponents didn't expect you to go from having an empty board, to dealing 400 damage to each players face with Comet Storm, with the maximum amount of hasted goblin tokens you can have, and go from 84 cards in you library to 1 and still have 3 untapped mountains. All of this in a single turn.
Goal number 1: Have a combo Ready
We are only on the first step and we are already at one of the hard ones. Even with all those combo pieces, you aren't guaranteed to draw a combo that can pop off every time. i'll go through later what you are gonna need to have a combo ready.
Goal number 2: Play the weakest pieces
We don't wanna tell our opponent "I have my combo ready, see if you can stop me!". If they are still playing magic, they have a chance to stop you. We want to play the least valuable pieces of the combo, or additions to the combo, f.x. extra goblins so when we get Krenko out, he makes even more tokens. We do this to bait out the opponents counterspells, destroys, and exiles for the pieces we can afford to lose.
Goal number 3: Play Krenko
This typically happens between turn 3-7 depending on if you got any ramp in your opener, and if the opponents have messed with you. We already have most of the combo out, we are pretty sure our blue players just used their last Mana Drain's and Counterspell's on the Draco player, and next turn you are ready. Ready to finish this game as soon as your last piece hits the board, and you get to switch and flick that Krenko over and over, until MTGO can't handle any more goblin tokens (256 btw).
Goal number 4: Finish them
You got to put together all the pieces to the puzzle. You win. You are the supreme leader, and everyone will learn to fear the name "Krenko, Mob Boss".
The different categories of combo pieces:
I categorise the different combo pieces into a couple of different groups. Some of the cards f.x. Staff of Domination does fit in a couple of the groups.
Ramp cards: These are the cards, that are gonna give you more mana, to asseble your combo
Battle Hymn
Brightstone Ritual
Extraplanar Lens (the reason i play Snow-Covered Mountains, is that if your opponent has mountains, they don't get to tap for extra mana when you play this, they are expensive though, and not a must)
Mana Crypt
Mind Stone
Ruby Medallion
Sol Ring
Mana Echoes
Dwarven Ruins
Some of these might be fairly expensive in mana, or only gonna be able to be used once, but they are gonna give you the value you need, to be able to drop your entire combo in a single turn.
Mana Engines: These are the cards that are gonna help you go into infinite mana Territory
Skirk Prospector
Ashnod's Altar
Phyrexian Altar
Mana Echoes
Most of these work of off you sacrificing a couple of goblins, to make mana, to untap your Krenko with, so you can make even more goblins and repeat.
Untap Engines: These are the fun ones, you put in a bit of mana, and that is gonna untap Krenko, so you can get more Goblins, and more mana. When i refer to something as an engine, it's because you are gonna be able to keep doing it however many times you want. So cards like Thousand-Year Elixir isn't gonna be in this category.
Staff of Domination
Sword of the Paruns
(Thornbite Staff)
Umbral Mantle
Aggravated Assault
Thornbite Staff is a little different, in that you can't untap Krenko with it using mana, but every time a creature goes to the graveyard (mostly when anything, even tokens, die, unless something stops them from going there) from play. Which means that it comboes really well with most of your Mana Engines, since most of them require you to sacrifice a creature to make mana.
Draw Engines: What are you gonna do with that endless stream of mana you ask? you are gonna draw your entire deck, so you can oneshot all your opponents ofcourse
Slate of Ancestry
Staff of Domination
Be careful with Slate of Ancestry. If you activate it, and you have more creatures on the board than you have cards in your deck, you lose because you just tried to draw a card without having anymore cards in your deck.
Sac Outlets: These are the cards that you can use to untap Thornbite staff. They have different effects, such as giving you mana, buffing creatures, drawing you cards, and more.
Arms Dealer
Goblin Chirurgeon
Goblin Sledder
Mogg Raider
Siege-Gang Commander
Skirk Prospector
Ashnod's Altar
Phyrexian Altar
Skullclamp (When used on a x/1 creature)
Goblin Bombardment
The Oneshots: This is the best part of the deck. These are all the finishers, that you are gonna use, to end your opponents in any way you want, if they haven't conceded yet.
Battle Squadron
Goblin Sledder
Goblin Warchief
Horde of Boggarts
Mogg Raider
Ogre Battledriver
Reckless One
Siege-Gang Commander
Voracious Dragon
Burn at the Stake
Goblin War Strike
Kindred Charge
Mob Justice
Comet Storm
Last-Ditch Effort
Massive Raid
Thornbite Staff
Umbral Mantle
Aggravated Assault
Goblin Bombardment
In here is everything, You have got direct damage, pump spells, sac outlets that buff, creatures that give or have haste, even Thornbite staff with it's 2 mana, tap, ping and then sac a token to untap it and repeat. Everything in here can kill your opponents, if you have enough time.
To pop off, as i have said many times now, you are gonna need!
1 Mana Engine
1 Untap Engine
1 Draw Engine
And finally
1 Krenko, Mob Boss
When you have this, and play everything in the right order, your opponents are gonne realise very quickly, that they made a big mistake.
Thank you for joining me, on this adventure, on how to be the Boss... The Mob Boss.