Nice deck. I might try to squeeze in 1 Ravens Crime and maybe and extra Urborg. but other than that i like it (smallpox is one of my favorite cards)
Nice man always like a good Gate deck!
Thanks for that recommendation I cant believe I overlooked Stream of thought. I'll figure out how to include it. I still haven't had a chance to play this yet.
If I put a planeswalker in through Planebound Accomplice I can use the minus on all of the walkers...just not the ultimate. Also we can still cast them.
Thanks for the comment, I do like the Sage of Epityr and carrion feeder combo ( maybe that could be a whole new deck idea) and will take that into consideration. The slitherhead is there to get rid of the -1-1 counters that could be put on kitchen finks and also he's a target for Eldritch evolution. See beyond is kind of a pet card of mine as it allows to shuffle away a Skaab Ruinator but yeah there's probably a better option. The mana base is also kind of janky since those are the lands I didn't have sleeved up in other decks.
Thanks, I still have yet to even play this but my idea behind the 25 lands was to hopefully have a land to play for the turn as well as then flicker one, and in "Land" themed decks I usually run more lands than the deck needs. I don't know about using Amulet of vigor maybe you don't need it's effect because then what would you take out?
Thanks. Yeah there are soo many options you can go with for instance spreading seas, sylvan library, I thought of playing a blood moon ( but then that kinda puts us in red) this is more of an archive for just casual deck's I've built. The more i look at it its seems like i tried to make an EDH deck into a 60 card deck. the land base is kinda janky because those are the lands that I didn't have sleeved up in other decks, but i would love to see your options or other ideas.
No Sylvan Library?
The reason for the impersonator is he can copy anything but lands so the nexus or more importantly the trading post. but he can also copy stuff my opponents control planeswalkers...etc.