A Combo/ Control deck for Modern.
The deck controls the first few turns with counter magic, and removal, until it can use Gifts to set up a massive 1 turn storm combo finish.
Looking at the list on this site makes it seem like a jumbled mess, so here is the list in a manner that actually makes sense.
-- Search --
4 Merchant Scroll
4 Gifts Ungiven
1 Dig Through Time
-- Ramp --
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
-- Control --
4 Remand
2 Spell Snare
1 Izzet Charm
1 Electrolyze
1 Repeal
3 Lightning Bolt
1 Anger of the Gods
1 Pyroclasm
1 Snapcaster Mage
-- Rituals --
2 Manamorphose
1 Pyretic Ritual
1 Mana Seism
1 Channel the Suns
--Combo Stuff--
2 Past in Flames
1 Increasing Vengeance
1 Noxious Revival
1 Grapeshot
-- Lands --
4 Misty Rainforest
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Sulfur Falls
3 Steam Vents
1 Breeding Pool
1 Stomping Ground
3 Island
1 Mountain
1 Forest
--- The essential combo pieces ---
[ Pyretic Ritual] [Manamorphose]
[Mana Seism] [Channel the Suns]
[Increasing Vengeance] [Past in Flames]
- In total there are 6 Pieces.
To win, you want to cast Gifts on the end of your opponents turn. In most cases you will need 5 lands available on your upcoming turn and 2 of the 6 essential combo cards in your hand already. Then you would grab the other 4 with Gifts and no matter what your opp gives you, you win.
Here's an example:
Your hand is Pyretic Ritual, Manamorphose, Gifts, Land, and you have 4 Lands in play. -> You want to play Gifts on your opp EOT and grab (Mana Seism, Channel the Suns, Increasing Vengeance, and PIF) From here it won't matter what you get, but most people will give you Vengeance and PIF to try and cut off your mana.
On your turn, untap, draw, play your land. From here you can Vengeance your Ritual(7 mana 2 storm), Manamorphose, PIF(3 mana, 4 storm) from your grave play the Ritual then play Mana Seism(7 mana{RR5}, 6 Storm) now Manamorphose so you have {RRG4} and play Channel the Suns, with a Increasing Vengeance(15 mana{3 of each color}, 9 storm. From here you want to play Gifts from the grave for (Grapeshot, Remand, Noxious Revival, PIF/or Manamorphose).
-If you have a PIF in the grave or hand you can get Morphose, if you have no PIF you can grab one. The point to remember is you need draw spell in hand or grave to draw into Grapeshot if they put it in your Grave.-
So the last pile sets up the win. No matter what they give you you can use Revival/ PIF/ Morphose to get Grapeshot into your hand where you can then cast it, retain priority, Remand the original Grapeshot back to your hand, but all the storm copies still get added to the stack, then you Grapeshot again for the win.
The reason for all of the 1 ofs is Merchant Scroll and Gifts Ungiven. Having a lot of 1 ofs makes Gifts really good even outside setting up the combo. You can just grab piles of answers for whatever situation you need. Noxious Revival and Snapcaster Mage are great for Gifts piles too. Then of course we want a nice selection of blue instants to really make use of Merchant Scroll. Scroll is obviously great at finding Gifts when we need it, but can also be very effective with a decent toolbox to work with.
The deck is pretty hard to play at first. But once you understand how the combo works, and know what your requirements are for the win it gets a lot easier. The deck is insanely fun once you figure it out, and you will seriously catch people by surprise when you storm combo them out of nowhere.