i fully agree with this comment.
i think hes trying to combo milira with that hydra
natural selection seems like an odd choice considering it doesnt actually cantrip. also why only 2 eureka and 2 show and tell? show and tell is literally in all situations a better card than eureka. the only reason you should play eureka is to have more than 4 enablers for your creatures. i would probably drop natural selection for 2 more show and tell. cool deck though for sure. maybe you could check out my legacy deck with show n tell and give me some input as well http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=399711
yup. petals kills it
4 black lotus? hahaha
haha interesting concept. ive never seen anyone stifle her CiP ability ^_^ ill never understand why she is considered a zombie though. thats just kinda wierd.
some 12 post action. looks good. its labeled as a blue deck though, and its actually B/g. some disruption to stop combo and ensure you can actually resolve your spells seems needed. force of will, daze, spell pierce, flusterstorm, dispel, are all possibilities repeal seems excruciatingly sub-par here. also why 3 pithing needle main? i agree its essential in the side. but i cant see a reason to run it main. whats chalice in the side for? chalice for 1 stops half your deck. maybe you could check out my legacy deck with show n tell and give me some input as well http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=399711
some 12 post action. looks good. some disruption to stop combo and ensure you can actually resolve your spells seems needed. force of will, daze, spell pierce, flusterstorm, dispel, are all possibilities repeal seems excruciatingly sub-par here. also why 3 pithing needle main? i agree its essential in the side. but i cant see a reason to run it main. whats chalice in the side for? chalice for 1 stops half your deck. maybe you could check out my legacy deck with show n tell and give me some input as well http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=399711
futer sight seems unnecessary . as well as progen, jin, blightsteel, and especially platinum angel. the angel is literally NEVER as good you first think he would be. i would play 3 emrakul, 2 grizz, at least. grizz is just comletely broken in these decks with omniscience. you draw cards, attack, draw more cards, play shit for free. chances are you draw an emrakull. play him. take another turn. griz seriously breaks this deck. theres a reason people call him grisleBANNED also stifle is super useless here. what are you trying to do with that? and explore. i would focus on show and tell, omniscience, griz/emmy. and way more disruption. also playsets of ponder and brainstrom, when used with fetches creates an insanely powerfull deck manipulation engine to find your combo. spell pierce, flusterstorm, dispel for disruption. not of this world does a great job of protecting your threats. and with omniscience out you can cast it for free to protect the omniscience also. heres the deck i play with show and tell http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=399711
effective. i like the use of reforge the soul to restock after your topdecking. hopefully its not in your opening hand though >_< that being said. i hate burn decks. haha.
man im not a fan of mill decks, but this isnt too bad. im not sure how effective it would be in a format as fast as legacy, but those extirpates and surgicals def have potential to kill. you pretty much have everything you need to be worried about covered so there's no much to suggest. maybe some sort of counters or discard for matches against combo.
you could try squeezing in some thoughtsieze as well. which does wonders for the tempo plan. and is great backup for nought, helping you get rid of removal, and kill combo. im a big fan of nought, but that guy is weak to EVERYTHING
ok cool, i like where this is headed. i would maybe drop deathrite and snapcaster and go the BUG thresh route. up force to 4. 2 more abrupt decay. 4 ponder and your set to kill. i LOVE the idea of playing dreadnought in this build. i feel like you would seriously catch people by suprise and it adds a certain "unfair" factor to the tempo plan.
iv always loved stasis. why bother with quest for ancient secrets though? once you drop tog your turn never happens again anyway.
yeaah, your the only other person iv seen use vision charm. such a tech card in these decks. i havent seen a mono blue version of this ever. this is what iv heard called dreadstill, where as the stiflenought decks are usually based more in tempo shells. whats the one waste for? you could either squeeze in maybe 2 more wastes, or some mishra's factory to play on the standstill idea. looks better than most of the dreadnought decks on this site though. maybe you could give me some input on mine? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=381295
when a single card as shitty as pacifism can stop your deck cold.. its kinda sad.
bahaha. this is great
yeah, heck yeah. mizzium skin def has potential to save your ass. i like it :D
there we go. i see you made a few changes last night. this is looking kinda beast now. i like it alot. and i definitely can see bloodghast fitting real well in here. iv been playing against alot of these Bg/ BUG control lists lately and there a bitch to play against. so much disruption and creature control, its a tough match for almost any deck. my one suggestion at this point, would be to maybe drop 1 life from the loam for another ghastly demise? i dont think theres really too much you would wanna change other than that though.but with smallpox and mox diamond those life from the loams are probably gonna come in handy. so im not 100% lookin real good though
36 lands? hahahaha
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