You can run it both modern and standard that is what I do at my FNM since the formats rotate every other week.
You good buy the Boros event deck and scrap it for the Champion and the SIlverblade Paladin and the other goodies in it and sell or trade the Clifftop retreat and other cards you do need or want to make some money back.
Hero of Bladehold is a game changer and I would suggest adding it.
Yeah dude, but seriously Id get rid of the Geist Honored Monks, they are way too slow and aren't too good, for fliers throw in some Midnight Hauntings or splash black for Lingering Souls, I would really really consider Doomed Traveler, possibly one of my favorite humans ever and an extremely powerful one drop.
That is correct.
I think Luttersign meant Frontline Medic, amazing human. Also 4 Doomed Traveler would be a nice addition, one drop, free flying token and can power champion up quick, same with Gather the Townsfolk. Good luck!
Add Intrepid Hero. Amazing card for a human deck and an extremely underrated one at that. Also I do not know if you are on a small budget but I would defiantly add a couple Silverblade Paladins.
I would consider that, mainly Thundermaw Hellkite and Falkenrath Aristocrat are really killing me with this deck but it plays good for the most part.
Thragtusk would be nice.
Midnight Haunting needs a place in here too.
Add a few copies of Cavern of Souls.
This is such a sick deck!
Sick deck, add some disentombs.
Add some Doom Blades or Go for the Throats, very cheap cards but amazing. I always add them to every mono black deck I make.
Add Gideon Jura.