
7 Decks, 14 Comments, 0 Reputation

enchantments if you running mono red, if those cards even exist they not in standard which is what I assume you're playing. you gonna have to splash another colour to deal with those. but all in all this is a pretty solid deck.

good luck keeping your smokebraiders alive though mine always get killed the turn after I play em, most players save removal just for them just because they such powerful enablers.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 17:15 as a comment on Elemental Pandemonium


In combination pandemonium a soulstoked nova chaser can win it for you the turn he comes out, but you seem to have already noticed that. So I think pandemonium is a good addition. I have a similar deck it's red white splashing green. it has lots of pandemonium tricks up it's sleeve but in essence it works exactly the same way as this deck and I find it to be highly effective.

As to creature removal the combination of pande and burn sees to that nicely, but you won't find anything to deal with

Posted 09 January 2008 at 17:12 as a comment on Elemental Pandemonium


If you gonna go mirari, I would add in gauntlet of power cause mirari duplicating can get expensive. mirari+gaunlet+burn= crazy burn fun

you can also maybe put in a hostility, to churn out a crazy army of elementals.

though if you gonna play with jace as your main win condition I agree completely with bassman.

Posted 08 January 2008 at 14:49 as a comment on Mirari


I have a deck based round a the same combo. I suggest you put in some 1000 year elixirs as they allow you to use brion the turn he comes into play. I also find flamekin harbinger very good as it allows you to tutor up either soulstoke or nova chaser. It also helps if you don't have pandemonium in play. soulstoke in a chaser champion harbinger, if they have no blockers attack then chuck him, if they do just chuck him bringing back harbinger which you use to get a second chaser.

Posted 06 January 2008 at 08:09 as a comment on


the only reason i can see for having pariah or pariah's shield would be to dissuade your opponent from attacking you otherwise they don't seem essential unless you target yourself with the doll and force a draw. though who would want to draw when you can win. personally i would put in more tutors and there are some really great ones from back in the day diabolic intent and vampiric .tutor to name a couple, or if you want even faster mana go for dark rituals. you could easily win turn one.

Posted 29 December 2007 at 16:40 as a comment on Unrestricted Doll


hhmm i think that too many ones and twos of really affects your decks reliability. rather choose a few cards that work well together and put in 3 or 4 of them. if you going to only have 1 or 2 of a card make sure its not essential to you winning or that you have lots of tutoring cards to make sure you get it. i would also add more mana fixing as you're running 3 colours, but other than that I'd say this deck looks fun to play and could probably hold its own against most decks once streamlined

Posted 07 December 2007 at 11:17 as a comment on Wee Folk Deck


looks pretty solid to me... gravepact husk synergy is awesome. the recursion is also a great idea for games with lots of chump blocks to be thrown in the way of husk, overall i quite like it just watch out for burn that would kill your husk before he becomes useful

Posted 07 December 2007 at 11:07 as a comment on Husk FTW


i would add more land search seeing that most of your creatures rely on the number of lands in play so leaf gilder and llanowar aren't as effective as your creatures would come into play under powered, but other than that your deck seems pretty solid you have a pretty high mana curve with most of your creatures costing 5 or more... but with all the acceleration you have i don't see that being a problem

Posted 07 December 2007 at 10:56 as a comment on COUNT ME


hhhmmm i would first cut down on all the one offs... not only do they had unnecessary bulk to your deck they make it unreliable as you probably won't get the cards you need 80% of the time... i like idea of the familiars and magemarks you should focus on that more. having one main focused strategy is far better than trying to put in a solution for everything. you also don't seem to have much mana fixing beyond the dream thrush which is a big problem in a 5 colour deck.

Posted 07 December 2007 at 10:45 as a comment on Scape Familiar Deck


um cause i can call my deck what i want and i liked the name i didn't really care that there was no day of the dragon in it

Posted 15 August 2007 at 05:00 as a comment on day of the dragon


this deck seems too inconsistent. I would cut down on the multitude of creatures in favour of 3 or 4 copies of a few creatures that work well together, unless you go for the whole rebel theme then you can keep the singles as long as they all rebels and you have 4 copies of a couple of cards that can fetch them all. amrou scout is a good place to start. the same can be said for your spells enchantments and artifacts, rather go for consistency than just lots of random cards

Posted 08 August 2007 at 14:52 as a comment on The Clutch Deck


Tell me what you think.

p.s. I'm not too happy with logic knot and mystical teachings so far so I'll probably swap those out for some aeon chroniclers or another hellkite.

Posted 08 August 2007 at 14:34 as a comment on the suspense will kill you v2


Joande unless you find someway to counter those 2 cards your deck really won't stand much of a chance... you could always try glorious anthem or privileged position to counter those two cards but I'm not sure how well it would work. but i don't agree about the mana upping your mountain count by one or 2 would do wonders but none of your red cards need more than one red mana so it's really not much of an issue.

Posted 08 August 2007 at 07:02 as a comment on R_W Aggro deck 2


Thanx for all your comments they have all been really helpful. This deck started as a an experiment to see what I could with do 36 random boosters from the time spiral block and actually turned into something decent after your advice.

I definitely agree with getting that last acid and strobe into my deck as well as the chronicler.
I would much rather have another hell kite than a gargadon though

I would also love to add another Linessa and rift elementals just not sure what I would take out.

Posted 08 August 2007 at 06:41 as a comment on the suspense will kill you
