I will take a look at that legacy deck, but you should take a look at my newer jund deck, It looks sort of similar to yours, but I think might have more mana ramp compared to yours.
Mr Cook- I've heard that you can't use Death's Shadow with your Torpor Orb, because it isn't a Triggered Ability, it is a Static Ability. *coughcough* all those wins because of that card and Torpor Orb. I call bs *coughcough*, also good luck wherever you are going to teach or work next year, and hopefully you will find a good card shop or people to play magic with.
okay, well I will have to comment on his deck saying that he can't use that, because that would tear down my burn deck. (shameless advertising) xDHe was an art teacher who I would play with after school or before school on some days, but he moved to teach at a school somewhere else this year. I am disappointed, that he is leaving, but he has to make a living somehow. But anyways, thanks for defining that for future references :D
Why not add some Death's Shadow? I had a teacher who played a deck based around Torpor orb, and he had a playset of Death's Shadows. The reason behind this is because it is a 1 drop for a 13/13 if you have the Torpor Orb or the Hushwing Gryff on the field.
I think you might want to add more forests and have less mountains so that if you wont have troubles with having too much mountains when your hand is filled with mostly green cards.
I really like this deck, maybe you might want to put Ghastly Demise just to clear the board a little in you have sacrificed too many creatures. Also, Mortivore would be nice in there paired with Demonic Appetite and Grave Pact.
Okay, thanks. And okay I will :D