Again nice points! I may have to steal jitte from that stone bitch for my folk after all! appreciate the knowledge. I always end up having to block at least 1 creature with tnn so some extra jitte action could help even if just 1 in the sideboard.
Your right marrow is expensive without vial. And curse catcher is a great bolt and draw deterrent.Nice points!Anytime I can chat with a fellow folk lover is a good time. You make some great points I have no rebuttal lol . Till merfolk rises again my friend! fight the fish fight
nice i like!! but counter spell…hmm i would like to see daze especially with a 14 island count.. but no vial so ok.also trickster is tough because she does little turn 3 plus after opponent has already cracked all his fetches. i would rather run more control or 2 marrow rejerrys if only to tap they're shit because ur casting all ur folk anyways. also don't u just fuckin hateee abrupt decay?
ya im not completely sold on chalice i own them and i recognize its really good with all the bolts delvers and card draw in the 1 drop meta right now. i just think i would rather play more aggro than control so my turn 2 is a hard spot for me to decide what to play. thanks for the link i might match some of ur changes if u don't mind :). also you and me know that once true name hits the table…jitte is just the cherry on top.
listen to mursh he's got the idea….its not about cards... its about stopping your turn 123 plays. daze force and dismember all help for this. also….ALL merfolk legacy run 4 silver gill she is a beast that i sometimes copy with phantasmal just for 1 more drawn card..agressive power and card draw for 2???yes no drawback with vial.
ya i forgot brainstorm was restricted. digging three deep for your combo piece is strong
Hey thanks for the suggestions! I can add 1 more brainstorm and maybe max out cabal therapy for consistency. ...sink hole would be nice.. I want to keep my instant/sorcery count high for delver..and ya the cost of this deck is between 800and 950 dollars!! Btw this deck not legal in vintage? ? Wtf lol
……..Felidar Sovereign FTW