Ahh.. that one. Well I am not sure what d he do in this deck. I dont really want to draw such card through Dark Confidant and lose 6 lifes.. He d be pretty useless here :)
I am sorry, but what r u talking about? Mikaeus? I am playing BR if u didnt notice.. and Ball lightning is bad card. I play it only coz I can return it with Unearth and sacrifice it to Cabal Therapy. I am pretty sure I dont want to play 4 Ball Lightnings.. :)
I d maybe change Meekstone for Phyrexian Metamorph in sb.. its great card against all those show and tell decks or reanimators.. Just an idea.
Zombies RULEZZZ... :) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=180582
Thanks for comment. Yop u r right. Only protection there is Brave the Elements. However I was thinking more about speeding it up a bit and add 4x Aether Vial instead Abeyance and maybe one Armored Ascension. I think thats even better, but not so cheap anymore :)
Well.. thanks "dude" ;). Thanks for suggestion, but this deck is more based on creatures, which will kill the opponnent due the fact they r 6/6 flying for 1 mana usually in 2.-3. turn (Martyr is really good here and yes, ANYTHING can be countered :) ). Test of Endurance here is just another way how to win and I dont need to play more of them (maybe in sb). Before I played this deck completely without Test of Endurance and it happened few times that I lost just because I drew to death. Simply - one Test is there to not to die with 180 lives but no cards in my library (which really happened few times). Anyway its just test version, more for fun.. :) Thanks for stopping by!