
16 Decks, 10 Comments, 0 Reputation

For those who are wondering why the gutter grime: Essence of the Wild creates copies, and not tokens. When a Essence of the wild dies (if there are 2) on the battlefield, it will return to play as a slime token enters the battlefield, which becomes Essence of the Wild.

Posted 01 July 2012 at 21:21 as a comment on Into the wild!


I will say it again, some cards are not who they appear as! Check the list above! (Cool "New Phyrexia" cards =)

Posted 26 April 2011 at 21:57 as a comment on Infect Rush (Blue-Green)


Not tested it yet, still on the drawing board.
Need to buy some singles, do not own that many cards myself, so got to perfect the deck as much as possible before i buy it :P

Posted 19 March 2011 at 11:04 as a comment on I'll pay for your funeral v2.0


Well, pherhaps :P I see that cerebral eruption might have to high manacost, atleast for something that might not work. But Sign in blood is only a sorcery, so I can not use it in combo solo with the trap.. But it gives me the ability to gain cards if needed, and let him gain cards if i need him to, so that he can discard them again :P Good comment, thanks =)

Posted 19 March 2011 at 06:47 as a comment on I'll pay for funeral v2.0


The Echomage + Tide combo was offcoure in the thought of those stacking, but you might have a point that it won't work.. I am kind of new in magic, so I am not able to see all the deatails. If somone could clairify if that won't work I would be greatfull... If it don't work i might have to rethink a little :/

Posted 16 January 2011 at 14:09 as a comment on Mono blue plofilirate/poison deck =)


Yeah, it will be better in a multiplayer match, it is a slow roller. But if I start with a everflowing chalice, it won't take that long before i get 6 mana. The point of having Chimaric Mass is for defence and I think it will work, but I got to few controllspells.... But it is so hard taking cards out of the deck :P Help would be awsome =)

Posted 16 January 2011 at 14:05 as a comment on Mono blue plofilirate/poison deck =)


Cool deck =) I went mono blue with my poison deck, but I use much plofilirate instead.. Yours would proboly beat mine though, mine is much more lategame, and I think I will be at a disatvantage against rushers :P But would you mind checking mine out, need some tweeking before i buy the cards =)

Posted 16 January 2011 at 13:55 as a comment on b/g infect rush


What he said =) Livewire lash is pherhaps a bit random.. Ive got a mono blue Plofilirate/Poison deck if you want to check it out for some inspiratoion =)

Posted 16 January 2011 at 13:39 as a comment on U/B infect (w/o Proliferate)


Nice =) Like your deck, a bit other approach to the infect/plofilirate combo than mine, but I like it. You shoud check up Inoxrable Tide, think that would work gr8. Disortionstrike is also a good card to have in this deck i think.. You can check out my deck for some inspiration if you like, though it is mono blue =) Keep up the good work!

Posted 16 January 2011 at 13:35 as a comment on Pro-infect-rate


Thanks =)

Posted 16 January 2011 at 13:25 as a comment on Mono blue plofilirate/poison deck =)
