Buffed up Elves

by ajsmokeyblair on 11 August 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (7 cards)

Creatures (1)

Sorceries (2)

Artifacts (2)

Enchantments (2)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

This is my current Elf deck. The sideboard is cards I still need. I would take out Bramblewood, Innkeeper, Overrun, and Harbinger for the sideboard cards.

Suggestions are always welcome.

How to Play

Starting Hand: 3 Forest, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Archdruid, Joraga Warcaller, Immaculate Magistrate. Need to draw an Elvish promenade by turn 5.
Turn 1: Forest, Llanowar
Turn 2: Forest, Tap everything for Archdruid
Turn 3: Forest, Tap Forest's and Archdruid for 5, Play Joraga with 2 +1/+1 counters, attack with a 4/4 Llanowar
Turn 4: Tap Forest's and Llanowar for Immaculate Magistrate
Turn 5: Tap Archdruid for 4, Play Elvish Promenade for 5 tokens, Tap Magistrate for 9 counters on Joraga.
You now have 9 11/11 creatures to attack/block with as you please. If your opponent still isn't dead, keep tapping Magistrate to buff up Joraga and the rest of you super HUGE elves!

Deck Tags

  • Elf
  • Casual
  • MonoGreen

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 858 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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