
62 Decks, 16 Comments, 4 Reputation

Noticed you had Blood Scrivener for that draw power, but still think there should be more things in this deck to help make sure you are able to get that draw power. They can kill Blood Scrivener before you even have a chance to use his ability

Posted 27 October 2015 at 03:26 in reply to #566267 on Cutthroat Kitchen [Modern]


So I think people are forgetting... what happens whenever you run out of gas and no longer have cards in your hand because you played everything by turn 4 or so. I would recommend taking away a few of the creatures and adding things like Murderous Cut (your graveyard will fill up fast for it), tragic slips, even Altar's Reap (for the sac engine and the draw power). You need a way to fill your hand back up or have cards that you just hold in your hand for whenever the opponent plays a creature you cannot handle, you can kill or exile (oblivion ring). Just my opinion. Great idea though! I'm attempting on making a Cutthroat deck in standard right now. Torn between B/W/G, B/G, or B/W/R (maybe even B/R and go more of an aggro route)

Posted 27 October 2015 at 03:24 as a comment on Cutthroat Kitchen [Modern]


Deck Tag: Expensive, should be taken off. I hope you realize the decks that are played in standard right now are worth 300+, the majority being 800

Posted 22 October 2015 at 03:51 as a comment on Abzan Standard


Grindclock is too slow really :/ and I would play Ashiok but that requires me to go into black. It isnt a big deal but if I go into black, might as well run the other black cards like black removal and by that point I might as well build UB Control

Posted 01 February 2015 at 08:25 in reply to #533164 on MonoBlue Mill


I really like this deck idea! Definitely a great cheaper costing deck that seems to be consistent!

Posted 28 November 2014 at 01:59 as a comment on [Standard/Infinite-Combo] Bees


Sad part is... he stopped commenting on people's posts RIGHT whenever i posted... not upset, just a little disappointed that someone decides to do this idea and not keep up with it after 3 or 4 days.

Posted 25 July 2014 at 09:19 in reply to #485420 on Want deck comments? Read here!


Most of the time, you ramp into a land destruction spell turn 3. With that being said, unless you are playing against a fast aggro deck who only relies on a few lands, if you let this deck get to turn 5 or 6 and you missed 1 land drop, it is supposed to punish to you to the point where I can monstrous Ember Swallower and force you to almost scoop. It did pretty well against Esper Control, and I think it is doing decently against Mono Black Devotion, but Red Devotion and Red/boros/izzet burn seem to be a problem. After talking to someone I played, they suggested Bramblecrush instead of Into the Wilds because in all honesty Into the Wilds is a dead card in my hand. Also I took out Nylea's Presence for Mizzium Mortars in my sideboard. Most of the time though, mana isnt a problem because of the rampage.

Posted 01 July 2014 at 06:05 in reply to #477875 on Land Destruction


Yeah... my problem with my W/R deck is 8 times out of 10, it will win game 1. Then after they sideboard, you have about 2/5 chance of winning if you are going against a competitive deck. It's just not as consistent as control or midrange.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 19:15 in reply to #476702 on Pillow Fort V.2


Yeah I know exactly what you mean with the removal and Thoughtsieze and Downfalls were definitely going into the sideboard. Luckily with the way this deck is built, once the sets rotate, I can still use most of this list and then pick and choose what to add or take out to make it even better. Right now the only deck I have built is a Boros Auras deck that relies heavily on Madcap Skills and Ethereal armor and once those two cards are gone, the deck is basically done (plus I don't like Aggro so) so i'm trying to find something that will have potential in the mere future.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 18:58 in reply to #476702 on Pillow Fort V.2


Here is a deck that looks similar to a deck I would've ran whenever I started out with magic.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 18:53 as a comment on Want deck comments? Read here!


I wouldn't run 2 Elixirs, or even just 1 because you aren't really milling yourself and you do not really have any draw power to even consider needing them to cycle your deck. I would add in those Ashioks instead or if drawing cards is a problem, I would run Opportunity, or even Underworld Connections. You could also add in 2 doomblades for the Elixirs instead as well. I just see Elixirs as a side deck against the Esper Control match ups.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 18:50 as a comment on Dimir Control Mill


Eidolon of Blossoms does sound like a good card for this deck. And I see your point about Elixir. I guess I had two as a safety net haha but I understand your point. I actually might take out the Progenitor Mimic though the main reason why he/she is in there is to copy one of the enchantment creatures that has constellation or a threat, though copying a monoblack devotions Grey or Desecration Demon would be good too... or a stormbreath... I guess he would be fine in my deck then. The meta I'm talking mainly about are Mono Black Devotion (a deck I'm getting tired of seeing). Most of the other decks I'm fine with facing, I'm just tired of the overplayed Mono Black decks.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 18:30 in reply to #476702 on Pillow Fort V.2


If you take out everything that you said, then you change the whole deck AND you will have a turn 5 or turn 6 win at best, averaging at turn 8 or turn 10. Just too slow (and if you add mutavaults, you just made a budget deck into a non budget one).

Posted 02 April 2014 at 21:29 in reply to #450817 on Budget Boros Auras


Immortal Servitude is on my mind with sideboard since Board Wipes are only in a few specific decks. Plus Boros Charm protects me from board wipes. Spear of Heliod is an so-so item because the whole point of this deck is speed and all spear does is give them an additional +1/+1 and personally it's just too slow for my deck. If I were to play it I would play it in my side board. The only non-enchantment creature I would take out (and I'm thinking about it) is Soldier of Pantheon because like stated in my description, Hoplite is the main threat of this deck. Brave the elements is a decent card but again, too slow and only in specific situations. Most of the time I'm just focusing on swinging with one creature and Gods Willing is enough protection for me. Soul Tithe is interesting and nice but the reason why I run Pit Fight is for force killing their threats. For instance, I have Hoplite on the field. lets say he's a 5/3 because he has Mad Cap Skills on him. I'm going against mono black devotion and they just dropped their Desecration Demon. They have another creature or two on the field, but they have at least 2 creatures to block my Hoplite. I decide to attack with Hoplite and in response to attacking before they declare blockers, I play Pit Fight, targeting my Hoplite and their Desecration Demon. Hoplite's Heroic is triggered, he's a 6/4, prevent all damage dealt to him this turn. He deals 6 damage to Desecration Demon and prevents Desecration Demon from damaging him, killing their Desecration demon AND hitting them for 6 damage. Shoot he doesnt have to be a 5/3 with Mad Caps to do this, he can be a 3/4 with Ethereal Armor or Rollicker on him. They block him with Desecration Demon. In response to declaring blockers, you Pit Fight. He deals 4 damage from Pit Fight, and 4 more damage from combat damage killing the Desecration Demon while keeping the Hoplite alive. Soul Tithe might be a great side board for Gods though, and maybe GR Monsters since GR Monsters play creatures with high mana cost. But like I said, it's slow for the initial point of the deck. Everything you have suggested are great ideas, they just slow down the deck and the first game is meant to be the fastest catching the opponent off-guard. Thanks for the suggestions though.

Posted 27 March 2014 at 21:44 in reply to #450817 on Budget Boros Auras


There is a better card out there than Hindervines that's in Theros called Defend the Hearth. It doesnt protect your Kiora but it does cost one mana and protects yourself from people running RG Monsters and them Hydras and other stuff that's really popular like Desecration Demon. Even if you don't run Defend the Hearth, I would suggest main decking Cyclonic Rifts or Detention Sphere for the Hindervines instead (I'm just not a fan of the Hindervines). Good deck though.

Posted 25 March 2014 at 14:28 as a comment on Kiora's turbo fog
