
5 Decks, 21 Comments, 0 Reputation

the reason it's a work in progress is because i dont have all the cards yet

Posted 31 July 2010 at 22:49 as a comment on Beatdown


im keeping it standard so loxodon warhammer is out i tried basilisk collar buut it adds no onboard bonus to creeps equipped with it and so they all become easy targets

Posted 25 July 2010 at 07:13 as a comment on Kor-Equipment deck


nice interesting build for sure, maybe add a sideboard with some refraction traps and harms way to stop red in its tracks

Posted 07 June 2010 at 16:16 as a comment on Celestial Cloak


oh, thanks for the behemoth sledge thing, i've thought about it but i think basilisks are better

Posted 25 March 2010 at 20:16 in reply to #58430 on Kor-Equipment deck


yeah, the vamp i have up beat this kor pretty bad even when sideboarded i have a 50% win against them do have any suggestions?

Posted 25 March 2010 at 15:12 in reply to #58430 on Kor-Equipment deck


Also armament master only has to be equipped once if you honor of the pures and so an armament plus one honor gives creeps +3/+3 which is good all in all

Posted 24 March 2010 at 15:41 in reply to #58365 on Kor-Equipment deck


Tossing in book burning and a runeflare trap would be really good to fit this style

Posted 24 March 2010 at 15:33 as a comment on Megrim Burn


I understand the concept, but take note that only five creeps you have, have affinity

Posted 24 March 2010 at 15:24 as a comment on Affinity Deck


I really considered that, but I found as it played that the kalastria highborn made opponents not won't to destroy my creeps, and so I thought feast of blood was better because it has two non-conditional abilities (cept the two vamps part) for two mana, thanks for the suggestion.

Posted 24 March 2010 at 15:21 in reply to #58294 on Vampire


Thanks for the input, but the sky fishers have mana fixing that let me turn one out for one mana as alternative to two, and the kitesailer has to have an equip on it to work, I used bone saws for a while and found them to inneffective to work, if you have any other suggestions let me know, thnx.

Posted 24 March 2010 at 15:19 in reply to #58365 on Kor-Equipment deck


LOL, this is definitely a deck for fun and casual play, I can't think of anything to do except put in some harrows, all in all I give it two thumbs way up on the originality scale.

Posted 23 March 2010 at 21:26 as a comment on EarthBreaker


I understand the concept, i saw a similar deck posted on the official MTG forums, the concept of using sedraxis to get rid of your opponents blightnings and bloodbraid elves is cool, but it just does'nt have a strong enough field presence or effect to fit my taste, but it is still jund, and jund is jund.

Posted 23 March 2010 at 21:24 as a comment on A different Jund


Looks okay, I don't play allies, but from what I've seen and been told, it is wisest to stick to two or three colors, every game I've seen a five color ally go at it, it has lost; I don't know what to tell you except that, good luck though, and work at it!

Posted 23 March 2010 at 21:15 as a comment on ALLY don't cry there only allies(please comment)


Thanks it did really well and came in first in the last standard and I was extremely pleased(if you could please check out the thread on my kor as well, it has a little work to be done) I definitely appreciate your compliment. :)

Posted 23 March 2010 at 21:11 in reply to #58285 on Vampire


thanks, this was being worked before the release of Zendikar and worldwake. The nocturnuses were in a old school graveyard play deck b-4 the release of zendikar and worlwake, and when those sets came out It got changed to standard and now it works great, thanks for your input about the rarity though, it took alot of time to build. If you could plz check out my other thread on my kor, thanks.

Posted 23 March 2010 at 21:09 in reply to #58283 on Vampire


looks pretty good, but why use might of the oaks and righteousness if your only boosting one creature out of the six you want to have in play at once? drop groundswell too, it only beefs one creature as well, I'd think that 4 wolfbriar elementals or 4 howl of the nightpacks would be better and without a doubt you must have four overruns because +3/+3 and trample on all those creeps you have would just devestate an opponent, bestial menace would be better than the akrasan squires as a drop before the overrun as well. looks good so far, but keep at it, hope my suggestions help!

Posted 23 March 2010 at 21:02 as a comment on Tiny Legion


I see the combo but why bank on 1/1's and tezzeret with so many martial coupe users, elslpeth users, and o-ring users? you have a good idea but a weak response that is too expensive to solve the problem. keep at it though.

Posted 23 March 2010 at 20:55 as a comment on Time Sieve combo t1.x


This is basically the same deck being played in the pro tour right now, this shows no originality other than the Earthquakes and Disentombs as alternative to Blightning and Unstable Footing. I would like to see you break the mold of "what everyone else is doing" and make your own Red deck wins deck. All in all nothing new, keep trying. No offense, the changes I see i like though.

Posted 23 March 2010 at 20:50 as a comment on real rdw look


It looks like a solid and powerful deck if you can get enough mana, but still needs a little work, with the amount of red and black hate out there plan on keeping traitor king and thraximundar one turn or two. If your trying to toss stuff into your graveyard to unearth, don't get reckless because relic of progenitus will surely devestate your plan, I think halo hunter would be good in your sideboard to Gross (Get Rid Of Slimy baneslayerS) and I think adding defensive dispels would do better than rise from the grave. Example: Dispel a lightning bolt and/or path to exile or pay five mana to bring back that which traitor king unearths?? I choose dispel. I hope my advice helps, keep working at your deck, if you can get it worked out it will be quite a force to reckon with!

Posted 23 March 2010 at 20:43 as a comment on grixis


looks pretty good, but how do you plan to play against powerhouse-destruction decks that run white styles that include day of judgment/wrath of god or martial coupe, along with honor of the pure. I also foresee burn being a problem, are willing to blow off all your protections against red spells and then have nothing to stop the mono-red speed tramplers? I would suggest adding Kor Firewalkers and Mark of asylum to your side board and maybe some martial coupe, because of the protection and if you martial coupe out tokens soul warden will beef your life or you can coupe out five to clean the board and have some 1/1 chump blocker. Hope my advice helps.

Posted 23 March 2010 at 20:34 as a comment on white life win


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