changed it up quite a bit... added white for ajani steadfast .... his +1 on a deathtoucher is quite good... i also found that most the games in which i drew whip i was much more likely to win so i wanted to add another whip effect that isnt whip
Thanks Rex... I appreciate the responseI think u are right in that mogis and flurry are probably my most cuttable cards... what to add though???... thoughtsieze / bile blight / 2nd ragemonger / chandra / mortars / dreadbore / other removal???i think im gonna try -1 flurry of horns-1 Mogis+1 Chandra+1 Ragemongerthe deck will probably be better if it ran a playset of thoughtsieze .... but 1) i dont have them currently, and 2) the more non-minotaurs spells that we run the more pointless it becomes to run any minotaurs at all..... . . . . . . . . . .
Leyline of the Void
I like the idea of Damnattion.... I'll add that in for now I would prefer something thats versatile, yet still speeds up the combo though....
Helm of obedience combined with Leyline of the void can mill my opponent's entire deck... its just a matter of getting those cards and having the mana to cast them by turn 4 or 5 hopefully
I need one more card... ideas anyone?
I think you should run Grim lavamancer but that should be the only creature you run either in 2, 3 or 4... not too sure which would be best
-1 Merfolk Sovereign +1 Daze its either him, Jitte, or another random merfolk... I think hes a good candidate to get the axe
Its a matter of thinning my deck so that that by mid game im not still drawing land after land... fetches also make ringleader hit goblin cards more consistently fetch lands are obviously better if running more than 1 color but it still can be a valid strategy with some mono color deck types
upon further thought Ive realized that the rotwurms should stay but the other 4 cards should still be found a replacement for
This deck is really cool... I like everything in it except for the 2 Miren wells and 3 Golgari Rotwurm the 2 vinebreeders could also get axed... the effect takes too much mana and and they could screw up a bloodbond march If you cut those 7, you'll have 6 open spots to add some beastly elves