5 - 0 2 weeks in a row now at my local FNM card shop you gotta build this and give it a try
Bioshift is an awesome card so stfu and I win by turn 4 - 5 so why put in craterhoof?? it's a wasted spot this deck is really fast... I ran this deck last friday and 2- 0'd everyone the only card that had me stuck on stupid was Boro's Reckoner... build and play it first before you judge. Also to call me out on spelling something wrong??? dick much lol, you're the reason why people don't play magic. Douche bag's like you.
trying to keep it so Noctornus triggers most of the time, after adding Noble, it still has over 50% triggered ratio it's good
I almost forgot, when Elvish visionary cycles out, replace it with Sylvan Ranger... same cost same purpose, except you search your library for a basic land card. And replace the two overrun's with 2 more overwhelming stampede, now it's good to go for another block or so :-) Happy MAGIC!
Here's an update... played at FNM and took 5th place with a count of 3-1 the only person I lost too, I barely did, he had a white something deck and played day of judgement early in the game (he was my brother, he made the deck purposely to mess me up) He placed 8th with 2-2 count. Played with the same deck the next day down the street at another tournement: went undefeated 4-0 1.) 2-0 2.)2-0 3,)2-1 (I scooted 7th turn... I could've won but didn't want to bother) 4.)2-0 Oviously took first in that tournement...
Now ive been playing variations of the elf, monument infinite combos out there for about 45 days or so now. This one by far, is the fastest and most reliable of any ive played with or have seen. The Khalni Hydras are the proof in the pudding. Opening hand: 2 forest 1 khalni garden 1 arbor elf 2 llanowar elves 1 khalni hydra. Turn 1: Drop forest and Llanowar. Turn 2: (drew an eldrazi monument) drop your forest, tap both forest to play the other llanowar elves and arbor elf. Turn 3: drop khalni garden you get a plant now you have 4 green creature on the field, 3 elves (you can tap for mana) and a plant. With two forest available. It only cost 4 to play khalni hydra with 4 green creatures on the field tap your 2 forest and two elves WALLA BAM, khalni hydra turn 3, with an eldrazi monument that follows there shortly. This deck owns... I dare to say it is one of the best agro decks in standard right now. And trust me, if you think you can make it better... you can't, and if you do, letme know i'd love to see it work. Other then that, I have some very bold claims.. so try this combo and ratio perfect to the T, before you critisize me, thankyou. Oh and one more thing... people who think they can make this better: Oran reif works... but slows it down tremendously, so leave khalni garden in there it's alot better in this situation. I can't stress this fact enough... DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING... play with those exact cards a few times to see how the combos work, and get a feel for the deck... you will murder, I promiss. Call me Mr. Magic Engineer