
4 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Thanks for the comments. I liked the idea of taking out Victim of Night (zombies are catching on, and the U/G turbo mill actually uses zombies in my meta.) In regards to playing out my hand, it does happen quickly, but I think Ghoulcaller's Chant is an effective tool for restocking as I only have one creature that isn't a zombie.

With such a low casting cost curve, I don't think there's sufficient reason to up the number of lands, I actually dropped it to 20. There's nothing worse than mana flooding when your card has a max casting cost of 4, but usually cost 3 or less. BSZ is the only card that wants a lot of mana available.

The Black Cat is in there until I can pick up some Highborn Ghouls.

Posted 27 March 2012 at 16:45 in reply to #243344 on [Std] Mono-Black Zombies
