Marsh Flats fetch land is a pretty good way to color correct
haha very true.. but that's kind of a long shot combo.. if it happens I'll deffinately post it up here saying "Devyistater called it and i should have listened" hahaha
on the list on the main page it said "Horros of the Nig"... so naturally i clicked on it...
well i use the myr battlesphere's ability that puts out 4 1/1 myr's also works very nicely with Kuldotha FM and the sun's are for help color correcting. adding the memnites and opal's would be a cool idea for some early blockers, but they would mess up the mana curve and leave me open in different turns. I need to be playing stuff each turn.
i actually do like lilianna's minus 2 ability.. and i completely forgot Nocturnous is out of standard now.. hes only M10. But anyways, Lilianna is a pretty good planeswalker. i guess i never really stopped and looked and considered the application of all her abilities. i feel like im gonna go 1 and 1 for the planes walkers. lilianna can get me sorin if i need and shes only a 5 drop.
thanks for the suggestions guys first of all.. i really like people input and ideas to make things better and spot weaknesses. I had Sorin in there as sort of an insurance for later game in case they wipe the board or are putting tokens/wienies in. his -2 also helps with a couple abilities in case they're life gaining. I have been toying around with putting vamp. Nocturnous in... but i'm not sure what to sub or get rid of.
well i would definitely like suggestions on what i should replace for the free artifacts..
Memnite isnt needed because percentage wise ill have something to stop their first 2/3 turns like inquisition of kozilek or duress... other than that he mana curve is just right to keep on rolling through
First thing i wanna say is I am so glad to se another person use Hydra's... I though i was the only one (sniffle)..the problem ive always had was balancing the mana acceleration with putting in trample since hydras dont come with that ability (except Khalni hydra). Now I'm not sure what your favorites are or what you have and dont have.. but try garuuk. he his last ability is overrun. or put a couple overwhelming stampedes in along with the Garuuk.. I know everyone says this but in this case i do have a very good hydra deck for multiplayer. just look at it and you can see what i mean.
aaaaaaaand unsummon...
i have to agree with you now on the 40% lands now haha. i just tried it for a my U/W bounce deck and it works so much better with the opening hand mana count. but i guess if you're using cobras or anything else that'll slim down the deck thatd be good like marsh flats or misty forest (i think).. they'll also help the cobras! :D
oh wow, i saw this was red and green with hellkite in the name and was expecting to see the hellkite charger and bear umbra combo.. cooodos for not using it.
haha those are some expensive cards bro bro. the swords, Birds op, fauna shaman, and dear god the vengevine... your looking at like a $200 deck
what do you mean "a bit of ass"? this is a really solid deck dude. really like the mana curve. the only thing i see a little off is the actual amount of mana. your running 41%. a good standard runs between 35% and 38% which is like 20-22 cards usually for a 60 card deck. still this deck looks pretty solid dude!
strike training grounds dude. you got myrs to give you mana so it should be a struggle to cast things. and if your actually building this, maybe strike the Tezzys... saves you $200..
I'd put 2 lotus cobra's in a nice little combo to do with the clarion ultimatum and alotta mana to bump up or hard cast some of those cards. when you play clarion ult. pull out a lotus cobra and 4 lands. both of their triggers will kick in and give you another solid 8 mana to not leave you tapped out and try another thing.
maybe instead of ajani put the new elspeth in, she kinda fits better and does has the reset game factor as well as the intimidation. maybe some more removal like journey to nowhere or that revoke existence you got on your sideboard. also maybe to decrease the cash you would spend, maybe replace the honor of the pure with Marshall's song. looks pretty solid though. i got a knight deck im gonna start weening back into standard here shortly. hope yours works out for ya :D
omnath, locus of mana dude. build that mana up, and hes almost a game ender. maybe maybe like bear umbra just for the protection and the untap lands ability.
Side board for some reason?
i looked up the price for all the planeswalkers... lol your lookin at like $400 lol. funny shit when you start dropping them though
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