Changing your mana base up to include a swamp and mountain and you could tutor either a Hivelord or Legion, plus have another ability to hard cast them where you are not relying on cavern/hive's in multiple copies on the field.
Have you considered the new card ''Bring to Light'' from BFZ? That's my elf deck as it stands now, only card I don't physically own yet is the new Primevial Bounty, I am play testing it at the moment is all.
All is Dust is better, forces people to sacrifice, bending around the ever lame indestructible ruling.
Could you do an update on this deck brosheen? I really like the idea behind it and wanna make something similar, but with evolve now it could be a straight donk punch of a deck.
Hive stone? Just a thought for potential ramp
I appreciate it man, I try to keep my decks moderate, they seem expensive to most, but I've accumulated them over 15 years now... Not to date myself but yea. Also they're really just investments into hobbies. My and some coworkers have played the game for many years, strictly legacy based, and like to spend a little here and there on quality cards, you know, when the wife isn't checking statements ;)
Like many of my decks you'd have to play them to see how well they turn out. I am not having many problems with it at the moment. May add in some stasis type things. Keep in mind that if Circu is out every Glimpse mills 10 and exiles 2 cards, and every Tome Scour mills 5 exiles 1, and if Leyline is out then they all get exiled instead. But I would never and haven't yet used entomb/reanimate on anything but Circu/Venser. It's not a top tier deck, but my group that I play with is getting tired of playing my pointless decks like infite squirrels, reanimator, MUD, ISO seek so I was trying to come up with a new concept.
Thought Eater: "The first memory it sucks out of you is how to get rid of it." Sounds like my wife.
How does it deal against troll decks?
It's a situational deck that doesn't necessarily need Leyline out, but if you do and you can mill of their cards it decks people rather quickly. Trusted Advisor works great with Venser and Snapcaster. I wouldn't say stupid, just re look at the deck and think from a mill/exile point of view.
Oxidize son, this is a green deck!
Obvious troll is obvious. Get some
Reminds me of that Chamilionare song: They see me trollin'.. they hatin'... tryna catch me scoopin' early.
My Reanimator deck is probably my favorite deck over the last few years due to its overall versatility and ability to adapt to the newest cards available. You literally have tens of thousands of different combinations of creatures you can put together for different combos/outcomes.
+1 from me. Can you check out these two decks and give me your thoughts?
Grim monolith is no longer banned, bring it back!
Was bored and flipped through my binders and made this deck tonight except here's what I swapped out: 3 Jace's Archivist for 3 Painter's Servant 3 Brainstorm for 3 Grindstone 4 Jace's Erasure for 4 Leyline of the Void 3 Visions of Beyond for 3 Force of Will Lemme know what you think bud.
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