Also, if you really want an infinite mana combo with sliver queen, just use the queen, any other sliver (even one of her tokens) and Mana Echoes. Then you just need something to spend mana on. The hordes of sliver tokens you get in the process are good for this. Just attack, or alternately get any sliver with an ability that lets you tap or sac to do damage. Heck, you could just get a screeching sliver and make your opponent discard his whole deck.
Are those tournament legal, though? This is, and it's working pretty well so far. Cheap 1 mana slivers, and with dormant sliver out, you can play a lot of cards pretty quickly. Getting homing sliver helps a lot, but with 4 of every card, it's not hard to get the cards you need.
Basic combo is Basal Sliver, Dormant Sliver, Pulmonic Sliver, and two Mindlash Slivers. When all 4 are in play, with one mindlash in hand, sacrifice the mindlash for BB. It goes onto the top of your deck. Pay B to play the other mindlash, which causes you to draw the top card, which is the original mindlash. Once you have enough mana, switch to sacrificing to deal damage with Cautery Sliver, using the same cycling technique as before.
Oops, apparently if you refresh the page right after posting, it posts again...
Eh, I've used this deck a few times, and all the parts just work together beautifully. It might not be the most powerful deck out there, but it's pretty good, and if nothing else it's a blast to play. It's especially fun when you pull off an underdog win against some power deck, using tactics they don't expect.