
14 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

I can see this deck only being so good for so long. Without a doubt, Storm Crow will receive a ban soon (Emergency banning maybe? I wouldn't rule it out...) If Jace the Mind Sculptor was banned, I don't understand how Storm Crow has made it this long.

Posted 27 February 2012 at 16:26 as a comment on THE GREATEST DECK EVER (I BROKE MAGIC!)


Deals 16 damage by the end of t3 on a nuts draw, potentially killing your opponent's 1 and 2 drops in the process.

Posted 23 February 2012 at 22:51 as a comment on Mono-Green Aggro


I've been playing with Summoning trap for so long, I sometimes forget to look at it... obviously Wizards thought this through, because for summoning trap to work, the creature spell has to be countered by your opponent.


Posted 22 February 2011 at 22:22 as a comment on Yes, I just countered my own spell...


I'm tempted to swap out the birds for something else, given that my mana ramp is coming largely from walls now (the birds are leftovers from before when I wasn't using walls.)

Posted 31 August 2010 at 14:16 as a comment on Timmy like Eldrazi


I'll probably swap cultivate out for Growth Spasm also... just seems like Spasm is a bit more versatile (you could sac the spawn the same turn, or use it to chump block.)

Posted 31 August 2010 at 13:30 as a comment on Timmy like Eldrazi
